[Serusers] Fw: DB replication

Jan Janak jan at iptel.org
Thu May 6 15:15:35 CEST 2004

On 06-05 13:14, Andrea Bondavalli wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  in order to achieve reliability I am currently trying to setup
> two SIP proxy responsible for a single DNS SRV domain.
> My User Agents do support a DNS fail-over
> mechanism and they are able to communicate with
> the secondary Proxy Server when the dialog with the Primary Proxy fails.
> At this time I am setting up two proxy servers (primary and secondary) both responsible
> for the same DNS SRV domain.
> Each Proxy do connect to its local mysql database (located on the same host 
> of the SER) and they are both configured to exchange REGISTERs  using the 
> t_replicate() function.
> Now I have to setup the mysql DB replication and I have some questions:
> 1) Is the described way of setting up a primary and a secondary Proxy server right ?


> 2) Which kind of DB replication should I setup ? 

  Whatever works best for you -- there are no special requirements.

> 3) Do I have to exclude the USRLOC table from the replication or not ?
>          (the USRLOC replication should be guaranteed by the REGISTERs exchange)

  Yes, you can exclude the table if you consider t_replicate reliable
  enough (i.e. the computers are on the same lan, for example).


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