[Serusers] mod_init: bind_db failed..

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at iptel.org
Thu May 6 10:44:14 CEST 2004

You have to change sql to mysql in the db_url value. Like

modparam("usrloc|acc|auth_db|group|msilo", "db_url", "sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")


modparam("usrloc|acc|auth_db|group|msilo", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")

The unstable version has support for loading multiple database drivers in the same time and they are differentiated by the protocol part of DB URL.


On 5/6/2004 10:33 AM, Andy Pyles wrote:

>Hi I'm running trying out latest CVS checked out today with the following 
>configuration and am having the following error:
>May  6 00:56:54 hostname /usr/local/sbin/ser[30030]: ERROR:acc:mod_init:
>bind_db failed...did you load a database module?
>May  6 00:56:54 hostname /usr/local/sbin/ser[30030]: init_mod(): Error
>while initializing module acc
>However I can connect to mysql just fine, from the command line. In
>addition I just ran ser_mysql.sh create.  Anyone know I
>am getting this error? Attached is my ser.cfg with no modifications ( this
>is stock from ser.cfg.m4)
># $Id: rules.m4,v 1.1 2004/01/13 19:42:56 janakj Exp $
># (c) 2003 iptel.org
># Rules to process ser.cfg templates
>### m4 macros to make the configuration easier
>### End of m4 macro section
># $Id: ser.cfg.m4,v 1.1 2004/01/13 19:42:56 janakj Exp $
># ser.cfg m4 template
># Set the following in your CISCO PSTN gateway:
># sip-ua
>#   nat symmetric role passive
>#   nat symmetric check-media-src
># uncomment to enter testing mode
> */
>memlog=4  # memlog set high (>debug) -- no final time-consuming memory reports on exit
># if changing fifo mode to a more restrictive value, put
># decimal value in there, e.g. dec(rw|rw|rw)=dec(666)=438
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/acc.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/auth.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/dbtext.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/textops.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/uri.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/uri_db.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/group.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/nathelper.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/enum.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/domain.so"
>#loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/permissions.so"
>modparam("usrloc|acc|auth_db|group|msilo", "db_url", "sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
># -- usrloc params --
>/* 0 -- dont use mysql, 1 -- write_through, 2--write_back */
>modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
>modparam("usrloc", "timer_interval", 10)
># -- auth params --
>modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
>modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
>#modparam("auth_db", "use_rpid", 1)
>modparam("auth", "nonce_expire", 300)
>modparam("auth", "rpid_prefix", "<sip:")
>modparam("auth", "rpid_suffix", "@GW_IP_3>;party=calling;id-type=subscriber;screen=yes;privacy=off")
># -- rr params --
># add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy
>modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
># -- acc params --
># report ACKs too for sake of completeness -- as we account PSTN
># destinations which are RR, ACKs should show up
>modparam("acc", "report_ack", 1)
>modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
># if BYE fails (telephone is dead, record-routing broken, etc.), generate
># a report nevertheless -- otherwise we would have no STOP event; => 1
>modparam("acc", "failed_transactions", 1)
># that is the flag for which we will account -- don't forget to
># set the same one :-)
># Usage of flags is as follows:
>#   1 == should account(all to gateway),
>#   3 == should report on missed calls (transactions to iptel.org's users),
>#   4 == destination user wishes to use voicemail
>#   6 == nathelper
>modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1)
>modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1)
>modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 3)
>modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 3)
># report to syslog: From, i-uri, status, digest id, method
>modparam("acc", "log_fmt", "fisum")
># -- tm params --
>modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 20)
>modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 90)
>modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 20)
># -- msilo params
>modparam("msilo", "registrar", "sip:registrar at ser.fonomni.com")
># -- enum params --
>modparam("enum", "domain_suffix", "e164.arpa.")
># -- multi-domain
>modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1)
># NAT features turned off -- smartnat available only in nat-capable release
># We will you flag 6 to mark NATed contacts
>modparam("registrar", "nat_flag", 6)
># Enable NAT pinging
>modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 15)
># Ping only contacts that are known to be behind NAT
>modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1)
># ---------------------  request routing logic -------------------
>route {
>        if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
>                log("LOG: Too many hops\n");
>                sl_send_reply("483", "Alas Too Many Hops");
>                break;
>        };
>        if (msg:len >= max_len) {
>                sl_send_reply("513", "Message too large");
>                break;
>        };
>        # special handling for natted clients; first, nat test is
>        # executed: it looks for via!=received and RFC1918 addresses
>        # in Contact (may fail if line-folding used); also,
>        # the received test should, if complete, should check all
>        # vias for presence of received
>        if (nat_uac_test("3")) {
>                # allow RR-ed requests, as these may indicate that
>                # a NAT-enabled proxy takes care of it; unless it is
>                # a REGISTER
>                if (method == "REGISTER" || !search("^Record-Route:")) {
>                        log("LOG: Someone trying to register from private IP, rewriting\n");
>                        # This will work only for user agents that support symmetric
>                        # communication. We tested quite many of them and majority is
>                        # smart smart enough to be symmetric. In some phones, like
>                        # it takes a configuration option. With Cisco 7960, it is
>                        # called NAT_Enable=Yes, with kphone it is called
>                        # "symmetric media" and "symmetric signaling". (The latter
>                        # not part of public released yet.)
>                        fix_nated_contact(); # Rewrite contact with source IP of signalling
>                        if (method == "INVITE") {
>                                fix_nated_sdp("1");  # Add direction=active to SDP
>                        };
>                        force_rport();       # Add rport parameter to topmost Via
>                        setflag(6); # Mark as NATed
>                        append_to_reply("P-NATed-Caller: Yes\r\n");
>                };
>        };
>        # anti-spam -- if somene claims to belong to our domain in From,
>        # challenge him (skip REGISTERs -- we will chalenge them later)
>        if (search("(From|F):.*@((192\.168\.0\.223)|(ser\.fonomni\.com))")) {
>                # invites forwarded to other domains, like FWD may cause subsequent 
>                # request to come from there but have iptel in From -> verify
>                # only INVITEs (ignore FIFO/UAC's requests, i.e. src_ip==fox)
>                if ((method == "INVITE" || method == "SUBSCRIBE") && !((src_ip == || ((src_ip == || (src_ip == {
>                        if  (!(proxy_authorize("ser.fonomni.com", "subscriber"))) {
>                                proxy_challenge("ser.fonomni.com", "0");
>                                break;
>                        };
>                        # to maintain outside credibility of our proxy, we enforce
>                        # username in From to equal digest username; user with
>                        # "john.doe" id could advertise "bill.gates" in From otherwise;
>                        if (!check_from()) {
>                                log("LOG: From Cheating attempt in INVITE\n");
>                                sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (OB)");
>                                break;
>                        };
>                        # we better don't consume credentials -- some requests may be
>                        # spiraled through our server (sfo at iptel->7141 at iptel) and the
>                        # subsequent iteration may challenge too, for example because of
>                        # iptel claim in From; UACs then give up because they
>                        # already submitted credentials for the given realm
>                        #consume_credentials();
>                }; # non-REGISTER from other domain
>        } else if ((method == "INVITE" || method == "SUBSCRIBE" || method=="REGISTER" ) && 
>                   !(uri == myself || uri =~ "(@((192\.168\.0\.2)|(192\.168\.0\.2))([;:].*)*)")) {
>                # and we serve our gateway too (we RR requests to it, so that
>                # its address may show up in subsequent requests after loose_route
>                sl_send_reply("403", "No relaying");
>                break;
>        };
>        # By default we record route everything except REGISTERs
>        if (!(method=="REGISTER")) record_route();
>        # if route forces us to forward to some explicit destination, do so
>        #
>        # loose_route returns true in case that a request included
>        # route header fields instructing SER where to relay a request;
>        # if that is the case, stop script processing and just forward there;
>        # one could alternatively ignore the return value and treat the
>        # request as if it was an outbound one; that would not work however
>        # with broken UAs which strip RR parameters from Route. (What happens
>        # is that with two RR /tcp2udp, spirals, etc./ and stripped parameters,
>        # SER a) rewrites r-uri with RR1 b) matches uri==myself against RR1
>        # c) applies mistakenly user-lookup to RR1 in r-uri
>        if (loose_route()) {
>                # check if someone has not introduced a pre-loaded INVITE -- if so,
>                # verify caller's privileges before accepting rr-ing
>                if ((method=="INVITE" || method=="ACK" || method=="CANCEL") && uri =~ "(@((192\.168\.0\.2)|(192\.168\.0\.2))([;:].*)*)") {
>                        route(3); # Forward to PSTN gateway
>                } else {
>                        append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n");
>                        # account all BYEs 
>                        if (method=="BYE") setflag(1);
>                        route(1);  # Generic forward
>                };
>                break;
>        };
>        # -------  check for requests targeted out of our domain... -------
>        if (!(uri == myself || uri =~ "(@((192\.168\.0\.2)|(192\.168\.0\.2))([;:].*)*)")) {
>                # ... and we serve our gateway too (we RR requests to it, so that
>                # its address may show up in subsequent requests after
>                # rewriteFromRoute
>                append_hf("P-hint: OUTBOUND\r\n");
>                route(1);
>                break;
>        };
>        # ------- now, the request is for sure for our domain -----------
>        # registers always MUST be authenticated to
>        # avoid stealing incoming calls
>        if (method == "REGISTER") {
>                /*
>                if (!allow_register("register.allow", "register.deny")) {
>                        log(1, "LOG: alert: Forbidden IP in Contact\n");
>                        sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden");
>                        break;
>                };
>                */
>                # prohibit attempts to grab someone else's To address 
>                # using  valid credentials; 
>                if (!www_authorize("ser.fonomni.com", "subscriber")) {
>                        # challenge if none or invalid credentials
>                        www_challenge("ser.fonomni.com", "0");
>                        break;
>                };
>                if (!check_to()) {
>                        log("LOG: To Cheating attempt\n");
>                        sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use To=id in REGISTERs");
>                        break;
>                };
>                # it is an authenticated request, update Contact database now
>                if (!save("location")) {
>                        sl_reply_error();
>                };
>                m_dump();
>                break;
>        };
>        # some UACs might be fooled by Contacts our UACs generate to make MSN
>        # happy (web-im, e.g.) -- tell its urneachable
>        if (uri =~ "sip:daemon@") {
>                sl_send_reply("410", "Daemon is gone");
>                break;
>        };
>        # aliases
>        # note: through a temporary error in provisioning interface, there
>        # are now aliases 905xx ... they take precedence overy any PSTN numbers
>        # as they are resolved first
>        lookup("aliases");
>        # check again, if it is still for our domain after aliases
>        if (!(uri == myself || uri =~ "(@((192\.168\.0\.2)|(192\.168\.0\.2))([;:].*)*)")) {
>                append_hf("P-hint: ALIASED-OUTBOUND\r\n");
>                route(1);
>                break;
>        };
>	# Remove leading + if it is a number begining with +
>	if (uri =~ "^[a-zA-Z]+:\+[0-9]+@") {
>		strip(1);
>		prefix("00");
>	};		
>	if (!does_uri_exist()) {
>		# Try numeric destinations through the gateway
>		if (uri =~ "^[a-zA-Z]+:[0-9]+@") {
>			route(3);
>		} else {
>			sl_send_reply("604", "Does Not Exist Anywhere");
>		};
>		break;
>	};
>        # does the user wish redirection on no availability? (i.e., is he
>        # in the voicemail group?) -- determine it now and store it in
>        # flag 4, before we rewrite the flag using UsrLoc
>        if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) {
>                setflag(4);
>        };
>        # native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
>        if (!lookup("location")) {
>                # handle user which was not found
>                route(4);
>                break;
>        };
>        # check whether some inventive user has uploaded  gateway
>        # contacts to UsrLoc to bypass our authorization logic
>        if (uri =~ "(@((192\.168\.0\.2)|(192\.168\.0\.2))([;:].*)*)") {
>                log(1, "LOG: Weird! Gateway address in UsrLoc!\n");
>                route(3);
>                break;
>        };
>        # if user is on-line and is in voicemail group, enable redirection
>        /* no voicemail currently activated
>        if (method == "INVITE" && isflagset(4)) {
>                t_on_failure("1");
>        };
>        */
>        # ... and also report on missed calls ... note that reporting
>        # on missed calls is mutually exclusive with silent C timer
>        setflag(3);
>        # we now know we may, we know where, let it go out now!
>        append_hf("P-hint: USRLOC\r\n");
>        route(1);
># Forcing media relay if necesarry
>route[1] {
>    if (uri=~"[@:](192\.168\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.)" && !search("^Route:")) {
>            sl_send_reply("479", "We don't forward to private IP addresses");
>            break;
>    };
>    if (isflagset(6)) {
>	    if (!is_present_hf("P-RTP-Proxy")) {
>            	force_rtp_proxy();
>		append_hf("P-RTP-Proxy: YES\r\n");
>	    };
>            append_hf("P-NATed-Calee: Yes\r\n");
>    };
>    # nat processing of replies; apply to all transactions (for example,
>    # re-INVITEs from public to private UA are hard to identify as
>    # natted at the moment of request processing); look at replies
>    t_on_reply("1");
>    if (!t_relay()) {
>            sl_reply_error();
>            break;
>    };
>onreply_route[1] {
>        # natted transaction ?
>        if (isflagset(6) && status =~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") {
>                fix_nated_contact();
>                force_rtp_proxy();
>        # otherwise, is it a transaction behind a NAT and we did not
>        # know at time of request processing? (RFC1918 contacts)
>        } else if (nat_uac_test("1")) {
>                fix_nated_contact();
>        };
>        # keep Cisco gatweay sending keep-alives
>        if (isflagset(7) && status=~"2[0-9][0-9]") {
>                remove_hf("Session-Expires");
>                append_hf("Session-Expires: 60;refresher=UAC\r\n");
>                fix_nated_sdp("1");
>        };
># logic for calls to the PSTN
>route[3] {
>        # discard non-PSTN methods
>        if (!(method == "INVITE" || method == "ACK" || method == "CANCEL" || method == "OPTIONS" || method == "BYE")) {
>                sl_send_reply("500", "only VoIP methods accepted for GW");
>                break;
>        };
>        # turn accounting on
>        setflag(1);
>        # continue with requests to PSTN gateway ...
>        # no authentication needed if the destination is on our free-pstn
>        # list or if the caller is the digest-less gateway
>        #
>        # apply ACLs only to INVITEs -- we don't need to protect other
>        # requests, as they don't imply charges; also it could cause troubles
>        # when a call comes in via PSTN and goes to a party that can't
>        # authenticate (voicemail, other domain) -- BYEs would fail then
>        if (method == "INVITE") {
>		if (!is_user_in("Request-URI", "free-pstn")) {
>                	if (!proxy_authorize("ser.fonomni.com", "subscriber"))  {
>                        	proxy_challenge("ser.fonomni.com", "0");
>                        	break;
>                	};
>                	# let's check from=id ... avoids accounting confusion
>                	if (!check_from()) {
>                        	log("LOG: From Cheating attempt\n");
>                        	sl_send_reply("403", "That is ugly -- use From=id next time (gw)");
>                        	break;
>                	};
>		} else {
>			# Allow free-pstn destinations without any checks
>			route(5);
>			break;
>		};
>		if (uri =~ "^sip:00[1-9][0-9]+@") {
>			if (!is_user_in("credentials", "int")) {
>			    sl_send_reply("403", "International numbers not allowed");
>			    break;
>			};
>			route(5);
>		} else {
>			sl_send_reply("403", "Invalid Number");
>			break;
>		};
>        }; # authorized PSTN
>	break;
>route[5] {
>	rewritehostport("");
>	consume_credentials();
>	append_hf("P-Hint: GATEWAY\r\n");
>	# Try alternative gateway on failure
>	t_on_failure("7");
>        # Our PSTN gateway is symmetric and can handle direction=active flag
>        # properly, therefore we don't have to use RTP proxy
>	t_relay();
>failure_route[7] {
>	rewritehostport("");
>	append_branch();
>	t_relay();	
># ------------- handling of unavailable user ------------------
>route[4] {
>        # message store
>        if (method == "MESSAGE") {
>                if (!t_newtran()) {
>                        sl_reply_error();
>                        break;
>                };
>                if (m_store("0")) {
>                        t_reply("202", "Accepted for Later Delivery");
>                        break;
>                };
>                t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");
>                break;
>        };
>        # non-Voip -- just send "off-line"
>        if (!(method == "INVITE" || method == "ACK" || method == "CANCEL")) {
>                sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
>                break;
>        };
>        if (t_newtran()) {
>                if (method == "ACK") {
>                        log(1, "CAUTION: strange thing: ACK passed t_newtran\n");
>                        break;
>                };
>                t_reply("404", "Not Found");
>        };
>        # we account missed incoming calls; previous statteful processing
>        # guarantees that retransmissions are not accounted
>        if (method == "INVITE") {
>                acc_log_request("404 missed call\n");
>                acc_db_request("404 missed call", "missed_calls");
>        };
>Serusers mailing list
>serusers at lists.iptel.org

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