[Serusers] SER installation

M. B. nunetbldr at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 11 19:05:57 CET 2004

I just started with SER.  I downloaded and compiled
SER with MYSQL auth. Everything worked fine. I then
compiled and installed the radius server and made sure
it works.  Then I compiled SER with Radius options,
and then changed the SER configuration file based on
the howto file. But when I run sectl start I get the
following error:

#serctl start
Starting SER : cat: /var/run/ser.pid: No such file or
started pid()

and ser is not running.  If I comment out everything
related to Radius, everything runs.

I probably have a bad configuration.  Can someone
please post a copy of a working ser configuration file
with Radius authentication, authorization,  and
accounting and a couple of outside gateway routing
example all enabled?

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