[Serusers] Voicemail question

Mike Fallows mike.fallows at netsquaregroup.com
Tue Mar 2 17:06:53 CET 2004

Can anyone please tell me where the default text for the voicemail system is
held. It is not in either my ser.cfg or sems.cfg.


Received mail from voicemail.iptel.org

Hello <sip:89001 at sip.netsquare.co.uk>,
"Mike Fallows" <sip:mike2 at sip.netsquare.co.uk> left a voice message for you.

Thank you for using iptel.org's Voicemail.

Your voicemail system.

This message was created by iptel.org's voicemail system.
Please review www.iptel.org for more information.


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