[Serusers] trabas billing problem

varala ramakanth varala_kanth at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 8 06:45:14 CEST 2004

hello friend,

iam tyring to use the trabas voip-billing-0.0.2

iam following the INSTALL information given

in that .

iam following the fullsteps in that one

till 3 step i executed successfully 


 shell> ./bin/genvhost.pl -s=voip.mycompany.com
-e=voip at mycompany.com \
        /usr/local/dataweb > etc/vhost.conf

now vhost.conf looks like this

# $Id: vhost-tmpl.conf,v 1.4 2002/07/09 04:41:11
hasant Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2002 Trabas.  All rights reserved.
# Please see the file COPYING for more information

<VirtualHost 202.*.*.19>
 ServerAdmin rama at rama.kol.net.in
 ServerName server.pol.net.in
 ErrorLog logs/server.pol.net.in-error.log
 CustomLog logs/server.pol.net.in-access.log common

 # use this instead if you don't want to log access
 #CustomeLog /dev/null common

 <Directory /usr/local/dataweb/voip-billing-0.0.2/web>
  AllowOverride None
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

  # uncomment the following lines to take benefit
  # from mod_perl (if you have it)
  #<IfModule mod_perl.c>
  # <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|pl)$">
  #  SetHandler perl-script
  #  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  # </FilesMatch>

 # WARNING: Don't use this for production use!
 #Alias /templates/
 # Options Indexes
 # AllowOverride None
 # Order deny,allow
 # Deny from all
 # Allow from localhost

 Alias /js/
  Options None
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 Alias /images/
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 # temporary cgi-bin until we fix the hardcoded
 # to the script name
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
  Options None
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all


i include the the path of this vhost.conf

with INCLUDE in the httpd.conf

so now i restarted the httpd 

and when i press the http://server.pol.net.in

it shows the apache default document than the billing 


so where i might be going wrong

please guide me

with regards
rama kanth

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