[Serusers] Asterisks to ser to asterisk (voicemail)

Dave Bath dave at fuuz.com
Thu Jul 29 03:17:47 CEST 2004

Please see reply's inline...

-----Original Message-----
From: GR S [mailto:gr_sh2003 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: 29 July 2004 02:01
To: Dave Bath
Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject: RE: [Serusers] Asterisks to ser to asterisk (voicemail)


--- Dave Bath <dave at fuuz.com> wrote:

> Hey Girish,


> Ser always pass it the format it's expecting... there must be  way to
> a lookup(alias) and then re-write the URI with the alias before it
> forwarded.?

I am sorry. I haven't used 'aliases' and MSILO module. So my knowledge
is very limited on using
these features. We also have a setup somewhat similer to what you had
described, but we have a
plug-in for SER from which we fetch the records from the database,
modify the uri and send it to
Asterisk. This works fine for us and as you said, the ${EXTEN} in
Asterisk dialplan handles all
such numbers.

Hmm... what do you mean about fetching from the database?  I am using
the mysql module and have the subscribers and aliases stored in the
database...  it sounds like I want to do exactly what you are doing -
lookup the alias in the database and then modify the URI.  Do you have
any advice as to how you are doing this?

> Sorry if my explanation about the 404 is confusing... it's confusing
> me too! Attached is the ser.cfg (I hope it retains the indentation!)

>From your ser.cfg:
if ((method=="INVITE" || method=="ACK") && t_newtran() ) {
     t_reply("404", "Not Found");

I think this is why you get the 404 message failure route. Instead try

if ((method == ....

Thanks - I'll try this! Although I'll need to check to make sure that I
still do cope with true 404 errors. 

Thanks for all the help,


> Dave

Best Regards,

Girish Gopinath  <gr_sh2003 at yahoo.com>

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