[Serusers] SERweb

Ruth Vazquez Cerro rvc20 at tid.es
Wed Jul 28 14:36:41 CEST 2004


I'm trying to test SER SIP server. Up to now I installed SER and MySQL. 
Now I'm trying to install SERweb and I found a couple of  troubles.

I installed serweb_2004-01-04 version. The first question was that in 
all the files in html directory the requires had "prepend.php" while in 
phplib directory it was "prepend.php3". That was easily solved by moving 
or linking prepend.php3 to prepend.php.
Then I found the next trouble. Asking for the web 
user_interface/index.php or admin.index.php I got "Fatal error: Call to 
undefined function: put_headers() in 
/var/www/html/iptel/html/user_interface/index.php on line 9"

I think that that function should be defined because before in index.php 
it has a require:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
and prepend.php also has a require including session.inc where the 
function is defined.

Blindly I tried to change index.php a bit:
Instead of having:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
require "../../../../phplib/oohforms.inc";


page_open (array("sess" => "phplib_Session"));
I wrote:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
require "../../../../phplib/oohforms.inc";


page_open (array("sess" => "phplib_Session"));

But it also failed with the message:
Database error: cannot use database
MySQL Error: 1046 (No Database Selected)
Session halted.

Whan am I doing wrong? Should I send any other information to help 
discover the mistake?

Thanks in advance,
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