[Serusers] softphone is failing to authenticate when login into SER
David Lee
d16lee at ryerson.ca
Mon Jul 26 16:44:16 CEST 2004
Sorry to create thread. I'm new to using this board...
Anyways, just wanted to see if anyone has an answer for us, cuz it's really a very simple issue. We think that it's probably something really simple, but we are too near-sighted to see it. :)
The problem again is that the softphone cannot login to the SER?
You can see that the user 84000 is created in the mysql database (sql.txt.)
WE've also turned on all the necessary auth_db lines in the ser.cfg
Also attached is the ngrep capture of the register, 404 fail, register w/ digest, and 404 fail again... (notworking.txt).
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