[Serusers] cpl won't cancel call transaction

Richard mypop3mail at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 9 12:52:18 CEST 2004


I have the attached cpl script. It rings the IP phone
first, if not answer, then send to a pstn phone. The
script was working, but is broken now. I am not sure
if it is the script or any latest development breaks

A couple of issues,
If the call is canceled when still ringing ip phone,
the call is forwarded to the pstn phone. So pstn phone
rings for nothing. It looks like cancel didn't cancel
the original transaction in cpl.

A brand new call... If the call is sent to PSTN phone
eventually, PSTN phone picks up. But didn't hear
anything, the original phone still hears the ringing
until a few seconds later. Then they can talk.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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