[Serusers] Problem with 0.8.13-dev-23-merged

Andrea Girardi andrea at giandrea.com
Thu Jan 22 17:29:57 CET 2004

Andrea Girardi writes: 


when I start this version I can see in /var/log/messages that ser start
correctly but when I try to check server status with serctl moni or simply
by connect with MSN ser doesn't work. 

[cycle #: 1; if constant make sure server lives and fifo is on] 

I've tried to find some error on log but I didn't found nothing. I'm using
a ser.cfg that correctly works with 0.8.12 

Any idea?
thanks, Andrea 
-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: ser.cfg,v 1.21 2003/06/04 13:47:36 jiri Exp $
# simple quick-start config script

/* History:
 * --------
 * 2003-11-14 - Entra nel blocco mangle se l'indirizzo e` privato. 
 * 2003-11-13 - Aggiunto il encode_contact su ogni INVITE interno, aggiunto anche ACC
 * 2003-11-06 - Change MSILO param in modparam("msilo","db_url","mysql://user:xxx@")

# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------

debug=9       # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)

# alias="sip.quellidelpirana.it"

check_via=no	# (cmd. line: -v)
dns=no           # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=no      # (cmd. line: -R)

# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------

loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/dbtext.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/textops.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/exec.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/xlog.so"

loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so"

# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------

# -- usrloc params --
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)

# -- auth params --
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")

# -- rr params --
# add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)

# -- msilo params --
modparam("msilo","registrar","sip:registrar at")

# -- domain params --
# modparam("domain", "db_url", "sql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser") # URL for accessing the database
# modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1) 

# -- registrar params --
# modparam("registrar", "use_domain", 1)

# -- tm params --
modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 20 )
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 30 )
modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 20 )

# -- acc params --
# set the reporting log level
# modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
# number of flag, which will be used for accounting; if a message is
# labeled with this flag, its completion status will be reported
modparam("acc", "db_flag", 1 )
modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 3 )
modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0)	# non traccio gli ack
modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1)

# -- db URL --
# modparam("msilo|domain", "db_url","mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser") 

# -------------------------  request routing logic -------------------

# main routing logic


	log(1, "");
	log(1, "Avvio procedura di Route");
	xlog("L_NOTICE", "method <%rm> from <%fu> - <%is> source address");
	xlog("L_NOTICE", "request URI <%ru> - to URI <%tu>");

	# initial sanity checks -- messages with
	# max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests
	if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
		sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
	if ( msg:len >=  max_len ) {
	 	sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");

	# setflag(1); # Attivando qui segno nel database tutto (SUBSCRIBE, INVITE, MESSAGE, REGISTER..)

	# we record-route all messages -- to make sure that
	# subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's
	# particularly good if upstream and downstream entities
	# use different transport protocol
	# loose-route processing
	if (loose_route()) {

	/* outgoing connection */
	/* 2003-11-14 - Adesso entra nel blocco se un indirizzo e` privato */
        # if (src_ip == and !uri == myself ) {
	if ( search("Contact: .*192\.168\.") ) { 
		log(1, "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?");
        } else{
            ;/* we should only mangle replies */

	/* ************ requests for our domain ********** */
	/* now, the request is for sure for our domain */
	# if the request is for other domain use UsrLoc
	# (in case, it does not work, use the following command
	# with proper names and addresses in it)
	if (uri==myself) {
		log(1, "myself block: start");

        	/* we received something for a local phone */
        	if (uri=~"enc_prefix*") {
			log(1, "myself block: incoming request for mangled address\n");
			if (!t_relay()) {


		if (method=="REGISTER") {
			log(1, "REGISTER");

			# Authorize registering user
			if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
				log(1, "REGISTER: failed");
				www_challenge("", "0");
			log(1, "Save Location");

                        # MSILO - dumping user's offline messages
                        log("REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO\n");
                        if (m_dump()) {
                                log("MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some\n");
                                log("MSILO: no offline messages dumped\n");

			log(1, "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT \n");

		if (method=="INVITE") {
		#	log(1, "Encode contact for INVITE method");
		#	encode_contact("enc_prefix", "");

		if (method=="MESSAGE") {

		# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
		if (!lookup("location")) {

			log(1, "myself block: user not found...\n");
			if (! t_newtran()) {
                	log(1, "could not create new transaction\n");

			# L'utente che cercavo ed e` del mio odminio, e` off-line. Se la richiesta e` un
			# messaggio lo mando a MSILO altrimenti mando tutto a VOICEMAIL

                        # we do not care about anything else but MESSAGEs
                        if (!method=="MESSAGE") {

        			if(method=="ACK" || method=="INVITE" || method=="BYE" || method=="REFER"){
					log(1, "myself block: jumping to vm route block.\n");
                                else if (!t_reply("404", "User not found")) {


                	# MSILO - storing as offline message
			log("MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO\n");
                	if (m_store("0")) {
                		log(1, "MSILO: message stored\n");
                        	if (!t_reply("202", "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery.")) {
                        	log(1, "MSILO: message NOT stored\n");
                        	if (!t_reply("503", "Service MSILO currently unavailable")) {

		# if the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests
                # go to failure_route[1]


	# forward to current uri now; use stateful forwarding; that
	# works reliably even if we forward from TCP to UDP
	# Se non riesco a forwardare verso l'uri corrente segnala l'errore
	log(1, "relaying...\n");
	if (!t_relay()) {


/* route block for mangling */

	log(1, "route-block 1 (mangling)\n");

       	/* we mangle the contact address and ports in SDP
       	part of the message
       	if (method == "INVITE") {
		log(1, "mangle block: INVITE received.\n");
		log(1, " Will mangle ip.\n");

               	# sdp_mangle_ip("","");
		if ( src_ip == ) {
			sdp_mangle_ip("", "");
			log(1, "Mangled");
              	/* different mangling based on what phone is calling 
               	if (src_ip=={
			log(1, "mangle block: From HYDRA. Will mangle port.\n");

	/* rewrite Contact: header */
       	if (search("Contact: .*@192\.168\.")) {
		log(1, "mangle block: Will encode Contact: header.\n");
       		/* we seem to have a private address on a Contact which is not valid */

/* route block for voice mail */

	t_reply("100","Trying -- just wait a minute !");

        if(method=="INVITE" || method=="REFER"){
              	log(1, "**************** vm start - begin ******************\n");
        	if( uri =~ "conference" ){
                        	log("could not contact conference server\n");
                                t_reply("500","could not contact conference server");
                else if( uri =~ "echo" ){
                            	log("could not contact echo\n");
                                t_reply("500","could not contact echo");
                        	log("could not contact voicemail\n");
                               	t_reply("500","could not contact voicemail");
                log(1, "**************** vm start - end ******************\n");

                log(1, "**************** vm end/refer - begin ******************\n");
                       	log(1, "could not contact the media server\n");
                        t_reply("500","could not contact the media server");
                log(1, "**************** vm end/refer - end ********************\n");

/* failure route block for msilo */
failure_route[1] {

	log(1, "failure_route block 1\n");
	# forwarding failed -- check if the request was a MESSAGE
        if (!method=="MESSAGE") {

        log(1,"MSILO: the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests ...\n");
        # we have changed the R-URI with the contact address -- ignore it now
        if (m_store("1")) {
                log(1, "MSILO: offline message stored\n");
                t_reply("202", "Accepted");
                log(1, "MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n");
                t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");

-------------- next part --------------
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/dbtext.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/auth.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/textops.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/exec.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/xlog.so
 0(9376) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: usrloc matches module usrloc
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_mode> in module usrloc [/usr/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: auth_db matches module auth_db
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <calculate_ha1> in module auth_db [/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: auth_db matches module auth_db
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <password_column> in module auth_db [/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: rr matches module rr
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr [/usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: msilo matches module msilo
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module msilo [/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: msilo matches module msilo
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <registrar> in module msilo [/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: tm matches module tm
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <fr_timer> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: tm matches module tm
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <fr_inv_timer> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: tm matches module tm
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <wt_timer> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_flag> in module acc [/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_missed_flag> in module acc [/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <report_ack> in module acc [/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so]
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc
 0(9376) set_mod_param_regex: found <report_cancels> in module acc [/usr/lib/ser/modules/acc.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <xlog> in module xlog [/usr/lib/ser/modules/xlog.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <xlog> in module xlog [/usr/lib/ser/modules/xlog.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <mf_process_maxfwd_header> in module maxfwd_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <record_route> in module rr [/usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <loose_route> in module rr [/usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <search> in module textops [/usr/lib/ser/modules/textops.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <decode_contact> in module mangler [/usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <www_authorize> in module auth_db [/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <www_challenge> in module auth [/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <save> in module registrar [/usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <m_dump> in module msilo [/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <lookup> in module registrar [/usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <m_store> in module msilo [/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_on_failure> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <sdp_mangle_ip> in module mangler [/usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <search> in module textops [/usr/lib/ser/modules/textops.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <encode_contact> in module mangler [/usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <vm> in module vm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <vm> in module vm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <vm> in module vm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <vm> in module vm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <m_store> in module msilo [/usr/lib/ser/modules/msilo.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9376) routing table 0:
 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Avvio procedura di Route" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "method <%rm> from <%fu> - <%is> source address" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "request URI <%ru> - to URI <%tu>" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "483" 0(9376) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Avvio procedura di Route" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "method <%rm> from <%fu> - <%is> source address" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "request URI <%ru> - to URI <%tu>" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "483" 0(9376) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "method <%rm> from <%fu> - <%is> source address" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "request URI <%ru> - to URI <%tu>" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "483" 0(9376) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x4010f6d0> 0(9376) , "L_NOTICE" 0(9376) , "request URI <%ru> - to URI <%tu>" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "483" 0(9376) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40085c50> 0(9376) , "10" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "483" 0(9376) , "Too Many Hops" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) UNKNOWN 0(9376) <UNKNOWN> 0(9376) 65535 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40081770> 0(9376) , "513" 0(9376) , "Message too big" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cfa00> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400cde80> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Ahi ahi ahi.... il canal, chi ga' suga' el canal?" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) == 0(9376) _myself_ 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: start" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "enc_prefix*" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: incoming request for mangled address
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff730> 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REGISTER" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f1670> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "subscriber" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "REGISTER: failed" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ec4c0> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Save Location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e5770> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "REGISTER received -> dumping messages with MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40108fa0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline messages dumped - if there were some
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MSILO: no offline messages dumped
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Fine ricezione messaggi & EXIT 
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) setflag( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400e4940> 0(9376) , "location" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: user not found...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a90d0> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not create new transaction
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "ACK" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "myself block: jumping to vm route block.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) route( 0(9376) 2 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "404" 0(9376) , "User not found" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "MESSAGE received -> storing using MSILO
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "0" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "User is currently offline. Message accepted for later delivery." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service MSILO currently unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8970> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "relaying...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8b10> 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400817b0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) 
 0(9376) routing table 1:
 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "route-block 1 (mangling)
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "mangle block: INVITE received.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , " Will mangle ip.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) srcip 0(9376) == 0(9376) 0(9376) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "HHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40101e20> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Mangled" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "mangle block: Will encode Contact: header.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff400> 0(9376) , "enc_prefix" 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "mangle block: INVITE received.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , " Will mangle ip.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) srcip 0(9376) == 0(9376) 0(9376) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "HHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40101e20> 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "Mangled" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "mangle block: Will encode Contact: header.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff400> 0(9376) , "enc_prefix" 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400f5f10> 0(9376) , "Contact: .*@192\.168\." 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "mangle block: Will encode Contact: header.
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400ff400> 0(9376) , "enc_prefix" 0(9376) , "" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) 
 0(9376) routing table 2:
 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "100" 0(9376) , "Trying -- just wait a minute !" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm start - begin ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "conference" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "conference" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "conference" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact conference server
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact conference server" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "echo" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact echo
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact voicemail
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm start - end ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - begin ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - end ********************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) OR(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "INVITE" 0(9376) ,  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "REFER" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm start - begin ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "conference" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "conference" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "conference" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact conference server
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact conference server" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) uri 0(9376) =~ 0(9376) "echo" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact echo
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact echo" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 4 0(9376) , "could not contact voicemail
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact voicemail" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm start - end ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - begin ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - end ********************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "BYE" 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - begin ******************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40113390> 0(9376) , "/tmp/am_fifo" 0(9376) , "bye" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "500" 0(9376) , "could not contact the media server" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "**************** vm end/refer - end ********************
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) 
 0(9376) failure routing table 1:
 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "failure_route block 1
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests ...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "Accepted" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service Unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376) NOT(  0(9376) method 0(9376) == 0(9376) "MESSAGE" 0(9376)  ) 0(9376) ) { 0(9376) drop( 0(9376) type<0> 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests ...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "Accepted" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service Unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: the downstream UA does not support MESSAGE requests ...
" 0(9376) );  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "Accepted" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service Unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) if ( 0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x40107da0> 0(9376) , "1" 0(9376) );  0(9376) ) { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "202" 0(9376) , "Accepted" 0(9376) );  0(9376) } else { 0(9376) log( 0(9376) 1 0(9376) , "MSILO: offline message NOT stored
" 0(9376) );  0(9376)  external_module_call( 0(9376) f_ptr<0x400a8720> 0(9376) , "503" 0(9376) , "Service Unavailable" 0(9376) );  0(9376) };  0(9376) 
 0(9376) WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve
 0(9376) WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve
 0(9378) DEBUG: init_mod: dbtext
 0(9378) DEBUG: init_mod: acc
acc - initializing
 0(9378) find_export: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <register_tmcb> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_reply> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_reply_with_body> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_is_local> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_get_trans_ident> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_lookup_ident> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_add_blind> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_request_within> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_request_outside> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_request> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <new_dlg_uac> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <dlg_response_uac> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <new_dlg_uas> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <dlg_request_uas> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <free_dlg> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <print_dlg> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]
 0(9378) find_export: found <t_gett> in module tm [/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so]

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