[Serusers] smpp support

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Dec 13 10:53:35 CET 2004

Hi Rao!

Rao wrote:
 > Does ser have support for SMPP (Small Message Peer to
 > Peer) ?

I'm currently implementing an SIP<->SMS Gateway. For this purpose an 
SMPP plugin would be great, but due to lack of time I'm using the 
following setup (I'm yet not sure which setup to use for SIP->SMS).


SMSC--(SMPP)->Kannel--(HTTP)->Apache+CGI+sipsak--(SIP)--> SIP UA

It is some "proof of concept" with a fallback to SMS->email if the SIP 
UA does not support MESSAGE.

Another smart way would be using Kannel&sqlbox. This way all incoming 
(from the SMSC) SMSs will be stored in a database. For outgoing SMS, you 
just put them into antoher table and the sqlbox will send these 
messages. Using this approach, you only have to write a module (similar 
to msilo) which will store MESSAGEs into the database table. For 
SMSC->SIP I also considered writing a plugin for sems which uses ser for 
the SIP transport again with fallback to email.

 > What protocl does sms module currently uses to talk to
 > the sms gateway.

The current SMS gateway module uses GSM modems to send SMSs.

I think an SMPP module (using kannel+sqlbox) can be implemented easy by 
using the logic from 'msilo' to store messages into a database table and 
using the logic from the 'sms' module to fetch SMS from antother table 
and producing the MESSAGEs.

Are you interested in sharing ideas and developing code?


> Thanks.
> Rao
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