[Serusers] How long does exec_msg wait for result??

Andrew Mee andrew at healthshare.net.au
Fri Aug 13 05:51:07 CEST 2004

err.... Shouldn't that be exec_dset for a return, not exec_msg??

Not sure if exec_dset works, I assume it does.

Jiri Kuthan wrote:

>At 03:22 AM 8/13/2004, Andres wrote:
>>In our ser.cfg we do a database query to determine if the dialed number is a valid subscriber, if the user dialed a wrong number then it is sent to an IVR prompt.  This works well most of the time, but every now an then we see calls that were dialed properly yet they where transfered to the prompt.  I would like to know how long exec_msg waits for the query result and if it is tunable.
>There is no timeout for unresponsive exec command. If it never returns,
>the SER process will be blocked. I think that introducing a timer that
>stops a too long child process would be a good feature, however it is
>not having a high priority.
>> The database is on the same host as ser so the result should be very fast, yet I am unsure as to why it is failing to query the subscriber table many times a day.
>>MySQL is set for 1000 connections and I am not seeing a problem here.  
>>Any other MySQL things to look at?
>>Here is the code snippet:
>>#Now check to see if Dialed Number is Valid for one of our Subs
>>   if (method == "INVITE"){
>>              if (!exec_msg('
>>              QUERY="select username from subscriber where username=\"$SIP_OUSER\"";
>>              RESULT=`mysql -uXXX -pXXX -e "$QUERY" ser`;
>>              if [ -z "$RESULT" ];
>>              then exit 1; fi ;'))
>>              {# User Does Not Exist
>>                   rewriteuser("9993");
>>                   log(1, "Wrong Number IVR Prompt\n");
>>                   route(6);
>>                   break;
>>              };
>>   };
>>Our estimates indicate this fails about 5% of the time.  Any ideas?
>What does it mean it fails? Generally, I think the exec module is good for
>new features, my intuition is that the overhead is fairly high and once
>features stabilize it is benefitial to implement them as a native module.
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