[Serusers] RADIUS between multiple domains + Fail Over Gateways

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Thu Apr 29 16:55:57 CEST 2004

Alan Litster writes:

 > Has anyone successfully managed to get proxied radius auth to work?

i had it working with radiator.  i'm pretty sure that it can also be
made to work with freeradius.  radiator first made a mysql query based
on the domain that returned the radius server information for that
domain and then proxied the radius request to the remote radius server.

 > My other question is to do with getting SER to send the INVITE to a
 > different gateway if the primary one is at capacity/out of action? Is there
 > an example of this sort of config?

you can do this with failure routes.  there are examples somewhere either
on iptel site or in ser source.

-- juha

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