[Serusers] multiple domains

gaillac harry gaillacharry at yahoo.fr
Tue Apr 20 11:30:59 CEST 2004

Hi all,

here is my problem when i use serctl to add a account the domain name is
extract from email address and insert to domain field of subscriber
I added two domains (support.example.com and example.com) but if i use
digest authentication (!www...) the client send is domain and SER look
at its subscriber domain field  so it's right for example.com's clients.

I have to change domain name in subscriber table for all 
support.example.com's clients or don't use digest authentication!

May I use one SERWEB per domain ?

is it possible to avoid changing domain field of subscriber table for
accounts of others domains? 

What about dns srv may I have to add srv recording for each domain or
using outbound proxy?


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