[Serusers] multiple domains

gaillac harry gaillacharry at yahoo.fr
Mon Apr 19 17:28:36 CEST 2004

Hi all,

here is my problem when i use serctl to add a account the domain name is
extract from email address and insert to domain field of subscriber
I added two domains (support.example.com and example.com) but if i use
digest authentication (!www...) the client send is domain and SER look
at its subscriber domain field  so it's right for example.com's clients.

I have to change domain name in subscriber table for all 
support.example.com's clients or don't use digest authentication!

is it possible to avoid changing domain field of subscriber table for
accounts of others domains? 

What about dns srv may I have to add srv recording for each domain or
using outbound proxy?


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