[Serusers] voicemail question - dial plan example - pstn gateway example

Gavin Bensom gavinb2i at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 19:16:23 CEST 2003

In the ser admin guide it says 
"You can refer to voicemail example config file to know what your configuration file should include. Note that voicemail uses subsriber database table to determine recepient's email address. Read the README file in the vm module directory for complete description of the functions and variables that are used by voicemail and how they work."
I can't find any complete descriptions of the functions and variables and how they work. The README file is very short and basic.
In the example config file there are many calls to vm(/tmp/am_fifo", "*"); where * is "announcement" or "voicemail" or "echo" or "bye" or "conference."  Are these all required in a basic voicemail setup? Can anyone point me to more information on how this works and what each of these modules are doing?
If I call a user who isn't logged in I can hear the voicemail default greeting, but then the line goes silent. I don't think there is any voice recording happening. See ser.cfg attached.
Also, if a timer is set to send calls to vm (using failure_route) after a certain timeout, is there a way to prevent that timeout from killing calls routed to the PSTN?

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