[Serusers] ser 0.8.11 released
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
pelinescu-onciul at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Mon Sep 1 22:00:01 CEST 2003
ser 0.8.11 is released (finally :-)).
You can download it from ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/ser/0.8.11
(source code, pre-compiled binaries for various arhitectures,
packages for various operating systems and linux distributions; for
more informations see ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/ser/0.8.11/README).
You can also use cvs, just remember to add -r rel_0_8_11 to your cvs
checkout command.
WARNING: ser 0.8.11 includes changes which are incompatible with ser
0.8.10 config scripts and databases format.
NEWS file and distribution ftp README attached.
-------------- next part --------------
Release notes for SIP Express Router (ser)
$Id: NEWS,v 2003/08/27 07:57:08 calrissian Exp $
* Changes introduced in 0.8.11
| CAUTION: the 0.8.11 release include changes which |
| are incompatible with scripts and databases used |
| in previous versions. Care is advised when upgrading |
| from previous releases to 0.8.11. |
New features
- RFC3261 support
- TCP support and cross-transport forwarding [core]
- loose routing support [rr module]
- New modules
- vm -- voicemail interface [vm]
- ENUM support [enum]
- presence agent [pa]
- dynamic domain management -- allows to manipulate
hosting of multiple domains in run-time [module]
- flat-text-file database support [dbtext]
- rich access control lists [permissions]
- Feature Improvements
- click-to-dial, which is based on improved tm/FIFO
that better supports external applications [tm module]
- web accounting -- acc module can report to serweb
on placed calls [acc module]
- improved exec module (header fields passed now
as environment variables to scripts) [exec module]
- Architectural Improvements
- powerpc fast locking support
- netbsd support
- 64 bits arch. support (e.g. netbsd/sparc64).
- New Experimental Features (not tested at all yet)
- nathelper utility for Cisco/ATA NAT traversal [nathelper]
- another NAT traversal utility [mangler]
- postgress support [postgress]
- pdt module (prefix2domain) [pdt]
Changes to use of ser scripts
About Multiple Transport Support
SER now suports multiple transport protocols: UDP and TCP. As there
may be UAs which support only either protocol and cannot speak to
each other directly, we recommend to alway record-route SIP requests,
to keep the transport-translating SER in path. Also, if a destination
transport is not known, stateful forwarding is recommended -- use of
stateless forwarding for TCP2UDP would result in loss of reliability.
- reply_route has been renamed to failure_route -- the old name caused
too much confusion
- forward_tcp and forward_udp can force SER to forward via specific
transport protocol
acc module:
- radius and sql support integrated in this module; you need to
recompile to enable it
- acc_flag is now called log_flag to better reflect it relates
to the syslog mode (as opposed to sql/radius); for the same
reasons, the accounting action is now called "acc_log_request"
and the option for missed calls "log_missed_calls"
- log_fmt allows now to specify what will be printed to syslog
auth module:
- auth module has been split in auth, auth_db, auth_radius, group
group_radius, uri and uri_radius
- all the parameters that were part of former auth module are now
part of auth_db module
- auth_db module contains all functions needed for database
- auth_radius contains functions needed for radius authentication
- group module contains group membership checking functions
- group_radius contains radius group membeship checking functions
- is_in_group has been renamed to is_user_in and places to groups
- check_to and check_from have been moved to the uri module
im module:
- im is no longer used and has been obsoleted by TM
exec module:
- exec_uri and exec_user have been obsoleted by exec_dset;
exec_dset is identical to exec_uri in capabilities; it
additionaly passes content of request elements (header
fields and URI parts) in environment variables; users of
exec_user can use exec_dset now and use the "URI_USER"
variable to learn user part of URI
- exec_dset and exec_msg return false, if return value of
script does not euqal zero
- exec_dset takes an additional parameter, which enables
validation of SIP URIs returned by external application
jabber module:
- presence support for Jabber users is enabled loading the PA
module and using handle_subscribe("jabber") for SUBSCRIBE
requests to jabber user
msilo module:
- m_store has now a parameter to set what should be considered
for storing as destination uri. This enables support for saving
the messages on negative replies.
radius_acc module:
- radius_acc module has been removed and radius accounting
is now part of acc module
registrar/usrloc modules:
- multi domain support, the modules user username at domain as AOR
if enabled
- descent modification time ordering of contacts
- case sensitive/insensitive comparison of URI can be enabled
rr module:
- addRecordRoute has been replaced with record_route
- rewriteFromRoute has been replaced with loose_route()
- a new option, "enable_full_lr" can be set to make life
with misimplemented UAs easier and put LR in from "lr=on"
- rr module can insert two Record-Route header fields when
necesarry (disconnected networks, UDP->TCP and so on)
tm module:
- t_reply_unsafe, used in former versions within reply_routes,
is deprecated; now t_reply is used from any places in script
- t_on_negative is renamed to t_on_failure -- the old name just
caused too much confusion
- FIFO t_uac used by some applications (like serweb) has been
replaced with t_uac_dlg (which allows easier use by dialog-
oriented applications, like click-to-dial)
- if you wish to do forward to another destination from
failure_route (reply_route formerly), you need to call t_relay
or t_relay_to explicitely now
- t_relay_to has been replaced with t_relay_to_udp and t_relay_to_tcp
-------------- next part --------------
SER 0.8.11 distribution
bin/ - contains compiled ser versions for various arhitectures:
ser-0.8.11_freebsd_i386.tar.gz (freebsd 4.5)
ser-0.8.11_linux_i386.tar.gz (linux libc6)
ser-0.8.11_linux_arm.tar.gz (linux libc6)
ser-0.8.11_netbsd_sparc64.tar.gz (netbsd 1.6)
ser-0.8.11_openbsd_i386.tar.gz (openbsd 3.2)
ser-0.8.11_solaris_sparc64.tar.gz (solaris 8.0)
To install change to the root directory and unpack:
cd /; tar zxvf <archive-name>
This will install ser in /usr/local/:
- ser binaries & scripts (ser, gen_ha1, serctl) in sbin/
- ser modules in lib/ser/modules/
- ser man pages in man/man*
- ser docs in doc/ser/
- default ser configuration file in etc/ser/ser.cfg
If ser is started without any -f <config_file> it will use
doc/ - contains the ser documentation:
COPYING - ser license
INSTALL - information on how to build ser from the
sources and a quick install guide
NEWS - release new features
README-MODULES - list of the available ser modules and
their status
html/ - contains ser_howto, ser_modules,
serdev, seruser (admin_guide) and
sip_introduction in html format
ser.8 - ser man page
ser.cfg.5 - ser cfg. man page (incomplete)
ser-man.txt - ascii version of ser.5
ser_cfg-man.txt - ascii version of ser.cfg.8
ser_howto/* - ser HOWTO in various formats
ser_modules/* -.ser modules documentation in various
formats (pdf, ps and txt l)
serdev/* - ser developer guide in various formats
(pdf, ps, and txt)
seruser/* - ser administrator guide in various
formats (pdf, ps, and txt)
sgml/ - contains ser_howto, ser_modules,
serdev, seruser (admin) and
sip_introduction in sgml format
sip_introduction/ - a brief overview of sip in various
formats (pdf, ps, and txt)
packages/ - contains ser binary packages for Debian GNU/Linux (stable i386
and armv4l; unstable i386); RedHat 7.3, 8.0 & 9.0 (i386); SuSE
7.3 & 8.1 (i386); Solaris 8 (sparc64), FreeBSD 4.5 (i386),
OpenBSD 3.2 (i386) and NetBSD 1.6 (sparc64).
Information on how to install the various packages is provided
in the "Quick Start" section of doc/INSTALL.
- contains ser related contributed software
serweb.tar.gz - contains a web interface for ser (alpha version)
, see
for more information
sems-0.1.0.tar.gz - contains a prototype sip application server
(needed by the ser voicemail module -- vm). See
for more information.
src/ - contains a tar.gz with ser's source.
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