[Serusers] Ser and Voicemail

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Thu Oct 30 11:27:30 CET 2003

At 10:12 AM 10/30/2003, Alessio Focardi wrote:
>Hi everyone !
>First time here, SER newbie seeking for some help.
>We have a working SER installation that we would like to integrate
>with SER voicemail.
>What we would like to obtain is the possibility for someone calling an
>offline user to leave him a message.
>The message the should be notified to the destination user, dunno how
>by now ...
>First question is: can SER and SEMS coexist on the same server ? how
>can we archieve this "call redirection" ?

see the thread "standalone voicemail example" in  our archive (copied bellow).

The mode we built is running SER at a separate place than voicemail,
i.e., once SER as proxy, once SER as SEMS front-end, possibly at
the same host but at different port-numbers.

One-SER-only is workable too for off-line users, but I'm not sure
it is workable for failed called attemps (failur_routes in script).
I promised to look at it as time allow -- that still holds, the time
just has not allowed yet ;)


In response for frequent questions how to configure SER to operate
as voicemail2email server, I created an example file. Note that this
example operates as a stand-alone UAS, i.e., the configuration does
not operate in proxy mode -- it needs a proxy fronting it. (I will
try to look at the combined mode too, as soon as time allows.) Also,
the example needs to have sems up and running.

The example is on our CVS, see

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