[Serusers] SER account for mySQL

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Thu Oct 2 22:24:13 CEST 2003

you need to use the ser mysql password. By default, it is 'heslo'.


At 05:42 PM 10/2/2003, Harry Behrens wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>we have started using the SER a few weeks ago and have now "upgraded" to authenticating.
>We are therefore using mySQL and the ser database.
>The situation we have is:
>- ser is installed and works fine
>- the default user (admin/heslo) is installed and can be authenticated and registered
>- serctl ul show works fine
>However when I try adding a user with
>serctl add .....
>I am prompted for the MySQL password. I tried entering the password for the user mysql, however the operation failed and told me that it failed to authenticate 
>ser at localhost.
>I have not explicitly set up this user nor did I find any reference to this user in any of the SER files. I obviously do not therefor know the password. I am sure this must be a simple configuration issue I am missing.
>Can any of you help?
>Thanx in advance,
>        Harry
>Dr. Harry Behrens
>Projektleitung BIB3R
>DAI Labor - Technische Universität Berlin
>Sekretariat GOR 1-1, Franklinstrasse 28/29, 10587 Berlin 
>Fon: +49 30 314 23383
>Fax: +49 30 314 21799
>Email: harry.behrens at dai-labor.de
>Serusers mailing list
>serusers at lists.iptel.org

Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 

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