[Serusers] Some Module Questions

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Fri Feb 28 13:22:14 CET 2003

I see -- I misunderstood your message previously. Comments inline.


At 07:13 PM 2/25/2003, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec wrote:

>Context: I am currently writing a module that allows me to connect to a
>policy server -- not unlike CPL. It essentially routes the message out to
>the server and then receives a response. I get the message out ok, and will
>receive a complete sip message back. The module main function is called in
>the ser.cfg.
>Here are my questions:
>1) how do I get a message that I have received -- say in char *msg_buf -- to
>be the message that is used for further routing? The policy server might
>have changed any header fields or even created a (or several) completely new

If your server gave you a complete SIP message then you just need to
send it out using a socket function.

>2) can the module send back intermediate messages, such as 1xx info, while
>it is still continuing its work? This is to provide the user with feedback
>should things take while ...

It can -- you must go for stateful processing then. Which is in this case
desirable since any TCP questions slow down and block and possible retransmissions
would quickly block all your processes.

>3) I also want the module to react to SIP response messages (4xx and so). I
>assumed providing a response_function would do this, but apparently not (I
>had a simple one which was just LOGging some text to the system log, but it
>never did create any entries). So how can I do this?

I don't know why your reply logging function did not work, but if you register
a response_function, all processed replies will visit it (unless absorbed by
stateful processing).


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