[Serusers] [jcollins at asgardsrealm.net: Routing difference between 0.8.10 and 0.8.12]

Jamin W. Collins jcollins at asgardsrealm.net
Mon Dec 22 15:57:19 CET 2003

On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 08:48:15PM +0100, Jan Janak wrote:
> I acknowledge the problem. It is in ser

Thank you.

> I need to investigate more, I am not sure yet whether we should change
> the behaviour of ser or ask snom to change their preloaded route set.

I took a look at the specification, but didn't see anything (from my
limited understanding) that would indicate that Snom was doing anything
against the spec.  So, if (and I know it's a big if with my
understanding of SIP and the spec) they are within the spec then
wouldn't it need to be SER that made the change?

> Anyway, it's Christmas time now so I will get back to your problem
> later, thanks for your patience.

Thank you for taking the time to verify the problem.

Jamin W. Collins

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