[Serusers] failure route and ERROR: t_should_relay: status rewrite by UAS: stored: 408, received: 487

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Fri Dec 19 22:39:17 CET 2003

At 09:39 PM 12/19/2003, Alan Crosswell wrote:
>Part of the problem is since asterisk is running on localhost I won't be able to get captures for that.  I suppose I could move it to another machine just to help get some tcpdumps.  I'll do that and send along.

Thank you, that would be interesting to learn what happens. BTW, in some 
distributions tcpdump can spoof all interfaces.

>>Regarding voicemail: SEMS supports voicemail2email. As the number of people
>>interested in IVR grows, there is now a first IVR version of voicemail too
>>-- but this piece of work has never been really tested.
>I'll be happy to test it, but you need one of the canned IVR messages to be "Weasels have eaten our phone system" 

If that's just about announcements, you can play them with SEMS too.


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