[Serusers] t_on_failure also when CANCEL?
Jiri Kuthan
jiri at iptel.org
Mon Dec 1 14:24:58 CET 2003
Well, you need to have failure_route even for canceled requests as
you for example may wish to log such situations. So you can't simply
ban failure_route processing for cancelled INVITEs. What you need to
do is to reset t_on_failure from reply_route for specific status codes
such as 487 and/or 3xx.
At 10:39 PM 11/26/2003, Adrian Georgescu wrote:
>I have a problem CANCELING requests when using t_on_failure. Example:
>I forward the call to the PSTN gateway. Then I CANCEL the request. I am using a second PSTN gateway for backup and I call the function t_on_failure before t_relay:
> t_on_failure("2");
> if (!t_relay()) {
> sl_reply_error();
> };
>As a result of the CANCEL request, a 487 code is received and t_on_failure redirects the requests to the second PSTN gateway. This is not what I expect after sending a CANCEL. The manual says all responses > 300 are considered failures but an intended CANCEL is not a failure, is it?
>Do I miss something in the configuration to stop this from happening?
>Adrian Georgescu
>ag at ag-projects.com
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