[Serusers] how configure ser for pstn?

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Thu Apr 24 17:21:32 CEST 2003

Hard to tell -- a script fragment is not sufficient to judge the error cause.
If you get 404, you apparently call sl_send_reply(404), that's it.

A typical script fragment looks like this:

if (my_domain) {
  if (register) { register stuff; break; }
  /* lookup PSTN destinations */
  if (uri=~"sip:+1[0-9]*@foo.bar) { sethost(gateway_address); }
  else {
    if (!lookup) { sl_send_reply(404...); break; }

A complete example is iptel.cfg  in our source distribution.


At 03:05 PM 4/24/2003, Yang Xiang wrote:
>Hi all,
>I put following config in the main routing-block for forwarding INVITE-msg
>to pstn-gatway:
>        if (!t_relay()) {
>                sl_reply_error();
>        };
>        # forward message to PSTN Gateway
>        if (uri=~"^sip:[0-9]*@"){
>          log(5, "Forward to pstn \n");
>          forward("");
>          break;
>        };
>However, SER doesn't do it and sends a reply "404 not found" back instead.
>Is it the correct position to put the function "forward()" there?
>By the way, ser also doesn't write log message to syslog. Following is my
>syslog.conf, is anything wrong in the syslog.conf?
>#ident  "@(#)syslog.conf        1.5     98/12/14 SMI"   /* SunOS 5.0 */
># Copyright (c) 1991-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
># All rights reserved.
># syslog configuration file.
># This file is processed by m4 so be careful to quote (`') names
># that match m4 reserved words.  Also, within ifdef's, arguments
># containing commas must be quoted.
>*.debug;*.notice;*.info;*.crit;*.alert          /var/log/debug
>*.err;kern.notice;auth.notice                   /dev/sysmsg
>*.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit        /var/adm/messages
>*.alert;kern.err;daemon.err                     operator
>*.alert                                         root
>*.emerg                                         *
># if a non-loghost machine chooses to have authentication messages
># sent to the loghost machine, un-comment out the following line:
>#auth.notice                    ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/authlog, @loghost)
>mail.debug                      ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/syslog, @loghost)
># non-loghost machines will use the following lines to cause "user"
># log messages to be logged locally.
>user.err                                        /dev/sysmsg
>user.err                                        /var/adm/messages
>user.alert                                      `root, operator'
>user.emerg                                      *
>auth.info       /var/adm/messages
>local6.debug                    /var/adm/imapd.log
>auth.debug                      /var/adm/auth.log
>Serusers mailing list
>serusers at lists.iptel.org

Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 

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