[Serusers] pstn connectivity
serhelp (Jiri)
serhelp at lists.iptel.org
Sun Apr 20 17:03:01 CEST 2003
maybe decsribing your problem would help better than repeating it.
What does it mean it does not work? How are message dumps?
(I thought the previous proposal on the mailing list would fix
the issue I would guess too to be misconfigured in your installation
-- did you do it?)
At 04:31 AM 4/19/2003, budi wibowo wrote:
>dear all i repeat my problem
>- pc running ser with ip
>- cisco 5350 with dial-peer to sip-server with ip
>- remote pc running sip softphone
>i have read austin how to.. regarding how to connect
>to cisco gw
>but it's not work
>example ..i want to dial to singapore with pattern 113
>if i dial from my softphone 1136523456 it always
>failed, but if dial using 1136523456 at
>it always work .
>is there anything missing on my config?
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