[Serusers] str2ip: WARNING: unexpected char

Daniel-Constantin MIERLA mierla at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Thu Apr 10 15:42:28 CEST 2003

could you send the dump with some Jabber messages between Jabber server 
and SER (ngrep on port 5222, use "-d lo" if both servers are on the same 
machine). Also it would be useful to know the "jdomain" and "aliases" 
parameters of the jabber module as well as the domain name your SER 
serves. Other useful information: what version of ser you use and the 
association between sip address and jabber id for the case referred.

The error occurs because the domain name "sip.storstark" can not be 
resolved by DNS. It is either an error of your system configuration or 
it is the address translation inside Jabber module which behaves not 
properly. The second is less probable since each connection to Jabber 
server is associated with a sip address and when a message from Jabber 
side arrives it is send to that sip address. The connection to Jabber 
server is opened when the user having that sip address send a message to 
a Jabber user.

Best regards,

On 4/10/2003 1:59 PM, Magnus Melin wrote:

> Hallo
> First I want to thank you for your quick response the last time.
> When trying to send message from jabber server to the SIP client i get 
> the following error from the SIP server, it looks like all the 
> adresses are correct and the messages sent from SIP is properly 
> delivered.
> 1(24392) DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
> 1(24392) str2ip: WARNING: unexpected char s in [sip.storstark]
> 1(24392) str2ip6: WARNING: unexpected char s in  [sip.storstark]
> 1(24392) get_record: lookup(_sip._udp.sip.storstark, 33) failed
> 1(24392) sip_resolvehost: not SRV record found for sip.storstark, 
> trying 'normal' lookup...
> 1(24392) str2ip: WARNING: unexpected char s in [sip.storstark]
> 1(24392) str2ip6: WARNING: unexpected char s in  [sip.storstark]
> 1(24392) ERROR: mk_proxy: could not resolve hostname: "sip.storstark"
> 1(24392) qm_free(0x80aad40, 0x80b7aec), called from proxy.c: 
> mk_proxy(225)
> 1(24392) qm_free: freeing block alloc'ed from proxy.c: mk_proxy(208)
> 1(24392) ERROR: t_relay: bad host name in URI <sip:x at sip.storstark>
> 1(24392) ERROR: uri2sock: Can't create a dst proxy
> 1(24392) ERROR: t_uac_dlg: no socket found
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards
> Magnus
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