[sr-dev] [kamailio/kamailio] stirshaken: Properly handle intermediary/chain certificates when caching certificates (PR #3289)

Tristan Mahé notifications at github.com
Tue Dec 6 02:36:26 CET 2022

just curious if you see a memleak with that code and libstirshaken with PR124.

I applied the patch to branch 5.6 and can see the free memory going down since the last restart.

It seems  to be caused by the call to stirshaken_check_identity(), as commenting it and using secsipid_check_identity("") no leaks are present ( did an A/B test with same config just a line commented out ).

Params tested and still leaking:
- cache certificate on or off.
- root chain validation on or off.
- vs_*_pvname set or unset.

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