[sr-dev] git:5.1:78043859: kamdbctl: warn that drop cmd will drop existing DB, ask for confirmation (GH #1858)

Henning Westerholt hw at kamailio.org
Mon Feb 18 20:59:30 CET 2019

Module: kamailio
Branch: 5.1
Commit: 780438599de627bfdc9406b7dd469767b35123f5
URL: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/780438599de627bfdc9406b7dd469767b35123f5

Author: Henning Westerholt <hw at kamailio.org>
Committer: Henning Westerholt <hw at kamailio.org>
Date: 2019-02-18T20:58:41+01:00

kamdbctl: warn that drop cmd will drop existing DB, ask for confirmation (GH #1858)

    - warn that the drop command will drop existing DB, ask for confirmation
    - manually merge pull request GH #1858 from fredposner, fred at qxork dot com


Modified: utils/kamctl/kamdbctl


Diff:  https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/780438599de627bfdc9406b7dd469767b35123f5.diff
Patch: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/780438599de627bfdc9406b7dd469767b35123f5.patch


diff --git a/utils/kamctl/kamdbctl b/utils/kamctl/kamdbctl
index e66f3eb4ce..ea15329a19 100755
--- a/utils/kamctl/kamdbctl
+++ b/utils/kamctl/kamdbctl
@@ -398,6 +398,14 @@ case $1 in
 		# delete kamailio database
 		# create new database structures
+		# confirm dropping of database
+		echo -e "This will drop your current database.\nIt is recommended to first backup your database.\n"
+		get_answer ask "Continue with drop? (y/n): "
+		if [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then
+			exit 1
+		fi
 		if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then

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