[sr-dev] [kamailio/kamailio] RPC command stats.get_statistics randomly reporting 9223372036854776000 for current active/early dialogs (#1591)

Joel Serrano notifications at github.com
Wed Oct 24 20:06:14 CEST 2018

Hi @miconda, sorry for the delay, it's taken me a while until I have been able to test this..

I can confirm so far that `dlg.stats_active` works correctly, it's in sync between both nodes all the time, so any changes to the dialogs are reflected there instantly on both nodes. 

But, something must be wrong with `stats.get_statistics`:

Active K node:

root at sbc01:/etc/kamailio# kamcmd stats.get_statistics all | grep dialog
dialog:active_dialogs = 30
dialog:early_dialogs = 2
dialog:expired_dialogs = 14
dialog:failed_dialogs = 12176
dialog:processed_dialogs = 44907
root at sbc01:/etc/kamailio#

Backup K node (newly restarted):

root at sbc02:/etc/kamailio# kamcmd stats.get_statistics all | grep dialog
dialog:active_dialogs = 27
dialog:early_dialogs = 0
dialog:expired_dialogs = 0
dialog:failed_dialogs = 0
dialog:processed_dialogs = 0
root at sbc02:/etc/kamailio#

that `27` seems to me like an "initial sync" from the peer node, but that number won't change after that (which makes sense as this node is a backup and doesnt' handle any traffic unless there is a failover).

Does this make sense?


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