[sr-dev] how to compile a module

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Thu Dec 8 23:35:52 CET 2016

Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> It seems that it matches 'modules' as filename (dir). I pushed a small
> change to not enclose the target in quotes when forwarding. Can you try
> again?
> If it still fails, then tell the version of make you have as well as the
> operating system.

Still the same thing.  This in on Debian Jessie.  I noticed that I still
have this:

/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ ls modules
db_mysql/  rtpengine/  sdpops/	tls/  tmx/  websocket/	xmlrpc/

Why does modules dir also exist at root?

-- Juha

/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ eg pull
remote: Counting objects: 36, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 36 (delta 26), reused 31 (delta 21), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (36/36), done.
>From https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio
   2b39d70..f27df56  master     -> origin/master
 * [new branch]      nsq-max-in-flight -> origin/nsq-max-in-flight
Updating 2b39d70..f27df56
 .gitignore                     |  2 +-
 Makefile                       | 16 ++++++++++++++--
 misc/tools/protoshoot/Makefile |  8 ++++++--
 src/Makefile.rules             |  3 +++
 src/Makefile.utils             |  2 +-
 src/modules/nsq/nsq_mod.c      | 12 +++++++++---
 6 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ rm src/modules/lcr/*.o
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ rm src/modules/lcr/*.d
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ rm src/modules/lcr/*.so
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ ls src/modules/lcr/
doc/	hash.h	   lcr_mod.h  lcr_rpc.h     makecfg.lst  README
hash.c	lcr_mod.c  lcr_rpc.c  librpath.lst  Makefile	 utils/
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ make modules=modules/lcr modules
make: 'modules' is up to date.
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ ls modules
db_mysql/  rtpengine/  sdpops/	tls/  tmx/  websocket/	xmlrpc/
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ make modules=modules/lcr modules
make: 'modules' is up to date.
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ make modules=modules/lcr modules
make: 'modules' is up to date.
/usr/src/orig/kamailio$ cd src
/usr/src/orig/kamailio/src$ make modules=modules/lcr modules
CC (gcc) [M lcr.so]		lcr_mod.o
CC (gcc) [M lcr.so]		lcr_rpc.o
CC (gcc) [M lcr.so]		hash.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_query.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_id.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_row.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_val.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_res.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_pool.o
CC (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		db_ut.o
LD (gcc) [L libsrdb1.so.1.0]		libsrdb1.so.1.0
LD (gcc) [M lcr.so]		lcr.so

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