[sr-dev] [kamailio] kamctl ul show/xmlrpc ul.lookup not find valid AOR (Kamailio v4.3.1) (#264)

00Asgaroth00 notifications at github.com
Fri Jul 24 09:09:36 CEST 2015

For some registered users the kamctl ul show subscriber at domain does not find the AOR, however in a full listing it shows up, the ul.lookup rpc method has the same issue.

Kamailio version is 4.3.1

For example, here is a full listing:

Domain:: location table=1024 records=4 max_slot=1
        AOR:: subscriber1 at domain.com
                Contact:: sip:subscriber1 at;alias=;rinstance=5e040b71a89dace0;transport=UDP Q=
                        Expires:: 45
                        Callid:: Q9tQDalSnHzw78gSlpDC6g..
                        Cseq:: 783
                        User-agent:: Z 3.7.30891 r30851
                        Received:: sip:
                        Path:: <sip:;lr;received=sip:>
                        State:: CS_NEW
                        Flags:: 0
                        Cflag:: 64
                        Socket:: udp:
                        Methods:: 5087
                        Ruid:: uloc-55b11002-2df0-82a2
                        Reg-Id:: 0
                        Last-Keepalive:: 1437721166
                        Last-Modified:: 1437721166
        AOR:: subscriber2 at domain.com
                Contact:: sip:subscriber2 at;alias= Q=
                        Expires:: 107
                        Callid:: 7c5fd25f-c2583f1d63761b4f099e0080f0d14465 at
                        Cseq:: 7
                        User-agent:: BFH_IE_Panasonic_KX-UT133X/01.278 (0080F0D14465)
                        Received:: sip:
                        Path:: <sip:;lr;received=sip:>
                        State:: CS_NEW
                        Flags:: 2
                        Cflag:: 64
                        Methods:: 6815
                        Ruid:: uloc-55b10ff9-1f87-45
                        Reg-Id:: 0
                        Last-Keepalive:: 1437721228
                        Last-Modified:: 1437721228

if I lookup subscriber1, then kamctl ul show works:

# kamctl ul show subscriber1 at domain.com
Contact:: <sip:subscriber1 at;alias=;rinstance=5e040b71a89dace0;transport=UDP>;q=;expires=21;flags=0x0;cflags=0x40;state=0;socket=<udp:>;methods=0x13DF;received=<sip:>;user_agent=<Z 3.7.30891 r30851>;path=<<sip:;lr;received=sip:>>;reg-id=0

However, if I lookup sibscriber2, then it cannot find it:

# kamctl ul show subscriber2 at domain.com
404 AOR not found

I have masked the subscriber information, but if it is of use for you, I can send the actual data directly to you.

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