[sr-dev] unREGISTER not working on recent master (built Saturday evening) when usrloc db_mode = 3
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
miconda at gmail.com
Mon May 20 18:11:28 CEST 2013
you did several, iirc, one was something related to unregister without
aor -- the one that i thought needs to be doublechecked. Here I listed
the first you started with.
On 5/20/13 6:04 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
>> iirc, Juha did some commits recently related to this part, perhaps
>> something got broken.
> i just checked and my commit only dealt with location attributes, not
> location itself. i have
> modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3)
> modparam("usrloc", "db_ops_ruid", 1)
> modparam("usrloc", "db_check_update", 1)
> i have not set xavp_contact param.
> -- juha
Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
* http://asipto.com/u/katu *
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