[sr-dev] git:master: sca: make sca_reply a generic reply function.

Andrew Mortensen admorten at isc.upenn.edu
Fri Mar 8 04:58:26 CET 2013

Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: d6d71b0e217226fe43491a0e9ba75ec0a6649cd5
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=d6d71b0e217226fe43491a0e9ba75ec0a6649cd5

Author: Andrew Mortensen <admorten at isc.upenn.edu>
Committer: Andrew Mortensen <admorten at isc.upenn.edu>
Date:   Sun Mar  3 16:59:23 2013 -0500

sca: make sca_reply a generic reply function.

- take a pre-filled extra_headers parameter instead, add with add_lump_rpl.


 modules/sca/sca_reply.c |   55 ++++++-----------------------------------------
 modules/sca/sca_reply.h |    5 +--
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/sca/sca_reply.c b/modules/sca/sca_reply.c
index 8da3a6e..3e2f910 100644
--- a/modules/sca/sca_reply.c
+++ b/modules/sca/sca_reply.c
@@ -31,63 +31,22 @@
 sca_reply( sca_mod *scam, int status_code, char *status_msg,
-	int event_type, int expires, sip_msg_t *msg )
+	str *extra_headers, sip_msg_t *msg )
     str		status_str = STR_NULL;
-    str		extra_headers = STR_NULL;
-    char	hdr_buf[ 1024 ];
-    int		len;
     assert( scam != NULL && scam->sl_api != NULL );
     assert( msg != NULL );
-    if ( event_type != SCA_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_INFO &&
-		event_type != SCA_EVENT_TYPE_LINE_SEIZE ) {
-	LM_ERR( "Unrecognized event type %d", event_type );
-	return( -1 );
-    }
     status_str.s = status_msg;
     status_str.len = strlen( status_msg );
-    if ( status_code < 300 ) {
-	/* Add Event, Contact, Allow-Events and Expires headers */
-	extra_headers.s = hdr_buf;
-	len = snprintf( extra_headers.s, sizeof( hdr_buf ),
-		"Event: %s%s", sca_event_name_from_type( event_type ), CRLF );
-	extra_headers.len = len;
-	SCA_STR_APPEND_CSTR( &extra_headers, "Contact: " );
-	SCA_STR_APPEND( &extra_headers, &REQ_LINE( msg ).uri );
-	SCA_STR_APPEND_CSTR( &extra_headers, CRLF );
-	SCA_STR_COPY_CSTR( &extra_headers,
-		"Allow-Events: call-info, line-seize" CRLF );
-	SCA_STR_COPY_CSTR( &extra_headers, "Expires: " );
-	len = snprintf( extra_headers.s + extra_headers.len,
-		  sizeof( hdr_buf ) - extra_headers.len,
-		  "%d%s", expires, CRLF );
-	extra_headers.len += len;
-	if ( add_lump_rpl( msg, extra_headers.s, extra_headers.len,
-			   LUMP_RPL_HDR ) == NULL ) {
-	    LM_ERR( "Failed to add Allow-Events and Expires headers" );
-	    return( -1 );
-	}
-    } else if ( status_code == 480 ) {
-	/* tell loser of line-seize SUBSCRIBE race to try again shortly */ 
-	extra_headers.s = hdr_buf;
-	len = snprintf( extra_headers.s, sizeof( hdr_buf ),
-			"Retry-After: %d%s", 1, CRLF );
-	extra_headers.len = len;
-	if ( add_lump_rpl( msg, extra_headers.s, extra_headers.len,
-			    LUMP_RPL_HDR ) == NULL ) {
-	    LM_ERR( "sca_reply: failed to add Retry-After header" );
-	    return( -1 );
-	}
+    if ( extra_headers && extra_headers->len ) {
+        if ( add_lump_rpl( msg, extra_headers->s, extra_headers->len,
+                        LUMP_RPL_HDR ) == NULL ) {
+            LM_ERR("sca_subscription_reply: failed to add Retry-After header");
+            return( -1 );
+        }
     if ( scam->sl_api->freply( msg, status_code, &status_str ) < 0 ) {
diff --git a/modules/sca/sca_reply.h b/modules/sca/sca_reply.h
index a8b1131..e2c5d1a 100644
--- a/modules/sca/sca_reply.h
+++ b/modules/sca/sca_reply.h
@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@
 #include "sca.h"
 #define SCA_REPLY_ERROR( mod, scode, smsg, sreply ) \
-	sca_reply((mod), (scode), (smsg), SCA_EVENT_TYPE_CALL_INFO, -1, \
-		(sreply))
+	sca_reply((mod), (scode), (smsg), NULL, (sreply))
-int	sca_reply( sca_mod *, int, char *, int, int, sip_msg_t * );
+int	sca_reply( sca_mod *, int, char *, str *, sip_msg_t * );
 #endif /* SCA_REPLY_H */

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