[sr-dev] packaging v4.0.0

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 08:58:53 CET 2013


(cross-posting as this decision may be done properly with feedback from 
both developers and users community).

Now that we have some band new modules but also several that were not 
packaged by Kamailio, just by ser (due to single modules directory), I 
was thinking we may want to reconsider a bit the packages we do for v4.0.0.

1) A new package is related to the bunch of IMS modules, that is pretty 
much obvious.

2) There are few modules targeting development samples or 
troubleshooting: print, print_lib and malloc_test - I think they should 
not be packaged.

3) I would create a special package for the modules using uid-based 
database schema: db2_ops uid_auth_db uid_avp_db uid_domain uid_gflags 
uid_uri_db uri_db

4) Maybe we should merge some packages by dependencies:
   - a) some depend on libxml2: cpl-c xhttp_pi xmlrpc xmlops
   - b) some depend on libssl: tls auth_identity outbound

5) Some experimental modules with external deps will stay unpackaged 
like so far: db_oracle



Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
  - http://conference.kamailio.com -

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