[sr-dev] redis module support for array responses.

Vicente Hernando vhernando at systemonenoc.com
Thu Mar 29 20:14:37 CEST 2012


I am studying the use case when a redis command returns an array 
(REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY type in hiredis.h from 
https://github.com/antirez/hiredis )

Function pv_get_redisc in kamailio/modules/ndb_redis/ndb_redis_mod.c : 
365  returns a pv_value_t structure and currently only deals with 

It seems looking at pvar.h that pv_value_t structure does not deal with 
arrays. Is that correct? So returning an array is not an option...

Then a better aproach could be changing pv_parse_redisc_name function:

right now from README in ndb_redis:
after executing redis_cmd("srvN", "SET foo bar", "r");     I could get   
$redis(r->type)   and $redis(r->value)

it could be a good idea to add options like:  $redis(r->size)   and  
$redis(r->value[Number])     when changing pv_parse_redisk_name function.

Do you think of that as a good approach?

Thanks in advance!

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