[sr-dev] FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 Kamailio Compile Error

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 23:09:50 CET 2012


On 2/12/12 8:01 PM, Serhat AKCA wrote:
> Hello
> I am using FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 bit. I downloaded kamailio and compiled 
> over 10 times.
> It does not compile. Always it gives "/bin/ld: -ldl" error.
> How can i overcome this problem ?
can you send the last 20 lines of the output when compiling with:

gmake Q=0 all

Do you have libdl in your system? I compiled and run on freebsd few 
month ago and all went fine.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
http://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- http://twitter.com/miconda

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