[sr-dev] git:carstenbock/ims: - added message Parser for processing the XML in the NOTIFY

Carsten Bock carsten at bock.info
Thu Mar 24 15:40:28 CET 2011

Module: sip-router
Branch: carstenbock/ims
Commit: 8507f1b5274fd0ccaf887ef45561f18f5cf3d670
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=8507f1b5274fd0ccaf887ef45561f18f5cf3d670

Author: Carsten Bock <carsten at bock.info>
Committer: Carsten Bock <carsten at bock.info>
Date:   Thu Mar 24 15:36:58 2011 +0100

- added message Parser for processing the XML in the NOTIFY
- several minor bugfixes (e.g. the Call-ID must be zero terminated)


 modules_k/pua_reginfo/notify.c      |  230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 modules_k/pua_reginfo/pua_reginfo.c |   44 +++++--
 modules_k/pua_reginfo/subscribe.c   |    3 +-
 modules_k/pua_reginfo/usrloc_cb.c   |    2 +
 4 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commitdiff;h=8507f1b5274fd0ccaf887ef45561f18f5cf3d670

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