[sr-dev] git:master: * kamailio packaging changes for 3.1 branch

Jon Bonilla manwe at aholab.ehu.es
Sun Oct 10 01:36:54 CEST 2010

Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 80544c29d1b8bf4fc1bfa9a82a8451d8bc37c6eb
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=80544c29d1b8bf4fc1bfa9a82a8451d8bc37c6eb

Author: Jon Bonilla <manwe at aholab.ehu.es>
Committer: Jon Bonilla <manwe at aholab.ehu.es>
Date:   Thu Oct  7 00:26:23 2010 +0200

* kamailio packaging changes for 3.1 branch
  * changelog version update with proper date
  * debian-etch support dropped
  * kamailio-xmlrpc transitional package created (to proper handling of upgrades)
  * new module package creation and dependency tracking
(cherry picked from commit 9781988041b0da8cd2ee25147c2a2ace8a42fb1b)


 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/changelog                 |   52 -----
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/compat                    |    1 -
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/control                   |  199 ------------------
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/copyright                 |   27 ---
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.README.Debian    |   38 ----
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.default          |   24 --
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.dirs             |    2 -
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.examples         |    2 -
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.init             |  170 ---------------
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/kamailio.postinst         |   48 -----
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/patches/00list            |    3 -
 .../patches/10_no_lib64_on_64_bits.dpatch          |   27 ---
 .../debian-etch/patches/11_always_smp.dpatch       |   24 --
 pkg/kamailio/debian-etch/rules                     |  220 --------------------
 pkg/kamailio/debian-squeeze/changelog              |    6 +
 pkg/kamailio/debian-squeeze/control                |   68 ++++++-
 pkg/kamailio/debian-squeeze/rules                  |   10 +-
 pkg/kamailio/debian/changelog                      |    2 +-
 pkg/kamailio/debian/control                        |   33 ++--
 pkg/kamailio/debian/rules                          |    7 +-
 20 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 867 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commitdiff;h=80544c29d1b8bf4fc1bfa9a82a8451d8bc37c6eb

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