[sr-dev] git:tirpi/cfg_framework_multivalue: cfg_rpc: cfg.set and cfg. set_delayed commands added

Miklos Tirpak miklos at iptel.org
Tue Oct 5 16:20:12 CEST 2010

Module: sip-router
Branch: tirpi/cfg_framework_multivalue
Commit: cd8c0719514877dd1973fa556002e65396afb0b2
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=cd8c0719514877dd1973fa556002e65396afb0b2

Author: Miklos Tirpak <miklos at iptel.org>
Committer: Miklos Tirpak <miklos at iptel.org>
Date:   Tue Oct  5 16:15:44 2010 +0200

cfg_rpc: cfg.set and cfg.set_delayed commands added

cfg.set is a shortcut to cfg.set_now_int and cfg.set_now_string
depending on the parameter type, i.e the syntax is:

cfg.set <group> <var> <int/string value>
cfg.set <group>[id] <var> <int/string value>

Similarly, cfg.set_delayed is a shortcut to cfg.set_delayed_int/string


 modules/cfg_rpc/README      |   12 +++++++++
 modules/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.c   |   58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/cfg_rpc/doc/rpc.xml |   22 ++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/cfg_rpc/README b/modules/cfg_rpc/README
index 4217506..385ee8d 100644
--- a/modules/cfg_rpc/README
+++ b/modules/cfg_rpc/README
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ Miklos Tirpak
        commit the change immediately. The function accepts three
        parameters: group name, variable name, string value. The group name
        can optionally contain the group instance id, for example foo[5].
+     * cfg.set - Set the value of a configuration variable and commit the
+       change immediately. This is a wrapper command for cfg.set_now_int
+       and cfg.set_now_string depending on the type of the value provided.
+       The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable name,
+       int/string value. The group name can optionally contain the group
+       instance id, for example foo[5].
      * cfg.set_delayed_int - Prepare the change of a configuration
        variable, but does not commit the new value yet. The function
        accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, integer value.
@@ -39,6 +45,12 @@ Miklos Tirpak
        accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, string value.
        The group name can optionally contain the group instance id, for
        example foo[5].
+     * cfg.set_delayed - Prepare the change of a configuration variable,
+       but does not commit the new value yet. This is a wrapper command
+       for cfg.set_delayed_int and cfg.set_delayed_string depending on the
+       type of the value provided. The function accepts three parameters:
+       group name, variable name, int/string value. The group name can
+       optionally contain the group instance id, for example foo[5].
      * cfg.commit - Commit the previously prepared configuration changes.
        The function does not have any parameters.
      * cfg.rollback - Drop the prepared configuration changes. The
diff --git a/modules/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.c b/modules/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.c
index f982d40..0ec588f 100644
--- a/modules/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.c
+++ b/modules/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.c
@@ -128,6 +128,34 @@ static void rpc_set_now_string(rpc_t* rpc, void* c)
+static void rpc_set(rpc_t* rpc, void* c)
+	str	group, var;
+	int	i, err;
+	char	*ch;
+	unsigned int	*group_id;
+	if (rpc->scan(c, "SS", &group, &var) < 2)
+		return;
+	if (get_group_id(&group, &group_id)) {
+		rpc->fault(c, 400, "Wrong group syntax. Use either \"group\", or \"group[id]\"");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (rpc->scan(c, "d", &i) == 1)
+		err = cfg_set_now_int(ctx, &group, group_id, &var, i);
+	else if (rpc->scan(c, "s", &ch) == 1)
+		err = cfg_set_now_string(ctx, &group, group_id, &var, ch);
+	else
+		return; /* error */
+	if (err) {
+		rpc->fault(c, 400, "Failed to set the variable");
+		return;
+	}
 static const char* rpc_set_delayed_doc[2] = {
         "Prepare the change of a configuration variable, but does not commit the new value yet",
@@ -173,6 +201,34 @@ static void rpc_set_delayed_string(rpc_t* rpc, void* c)
+static void rpc_set_delayed(rpc_t* rpc, void* c)
+	str	group, var;
+	int	i, err;
+	char	*ch;
+	unsigned int	*group_id;
+	if (rpc->scan(c, "SS", &group, &var) < 2)
+		return;
+	if (get_group_id(&group, &group_id)) {
+		rpc->fault(c, 400, "Wrong group syntax. Use either \"group\", or \"group[id]\"");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (rpc->scan(c, "d", &i) == 1)
+		err = cfg_set_delayed_int(ctx, &group, group_id, &var, i);
+	else if (rpc->scan(c, "s", &ch) == 1)
+		err = cfg_set_delayed_string(ctx, &group, group_id, &var, ch);
+	else
+		return; /* error */
+	if (err) {
+		rpc->fault(c, 400, "Failed to set the variable");
+		return;
+	}
 static const char* rpc_commit_doc[2] = {
         "Commit the previously prepared configuration changes",
@@ -419,8 +475,10 @@ static void rpc_del_group_inst(rpc_t* rpc, void* c)
 static rpc_export_t rpc_calls[] = {
+	{"cfg.set",		rpc_set,		rpc_set_now_doc,	0},
 	{"cfg.set_now_int",	rpc_set_now_int,	rpc_set_now_doc,	0},
 	{"cfg.set_now_string",	rpc_set_now_string,	rpc_set_now_doc,	0},
+	{"cfg.set_delayed",	rpc_set_delayed,	rpc_set_delayed_doc,	0},
 	{"cfg.set_delayed_int",	rpc_set_delayed_int,	rpc_set_delayed_doc,	0},
 	{"cfg.set_delayed_string",	rpc_set_delayed_string,	rpc_set_delayed_doc,	0},
 	{"cfg.commit",		rpc_commit,		rpc_commit_doc,		0},
diff --git a/modules/cfg_rpc/doc/rpc.xml b/modules/cfg_rpc/doc/rpc.xml
index 47528d3..24c5769 100644
--- a/modules/cfg_rpc/doc/rpc.xml
+++ b/modules/cfg_rpc/doc/rpc.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@
+		<emphasis>cfg.set</emphasis> - Set the value of
+		a configuration variable and commit the change immediately.
+		This is a wrapper command for cfg.set_now_int and cfg.set_now_string
+		depending on the type of the value provided.
+		The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable
+		name, int/string value. The group name can optionally contain the
+		group instance id, for example foo[5].
+	    </para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	    <para>
 		<emphasis>cfg.set_delayed_int</emphasis> - Prepare the change of
 		a configuration variable, but does not commit the new value yet.
 		The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable
@@ -48,6 +59,17 @@
+		<emphasis>cfg.set_delayed</emphasis> - Prepare the change of
+		a configuration variable, but does not commit the new value yet.
+		This is a wrapper command for cfg.set_delayed_int and cfg.set_delayed_string
+		depending on the type of the value provided.
+		The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable
+		name, int/string value. The group name can optionally contain the
+		group instance id, for example foo[5].
+	    </para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	    <para>
 		<emphasis>cfg.commit</emphasis> - Commit the previously
 		prepared configuration changes. The function does not have
 		any parameters.

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