[sr-dev] git:master: makefile: per module extra utils and cfgs install

Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul andrei at iptel.org
Thu Oct 1 17:01:00 CEST 2009

Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 6bfac69a5b6e4672ae24e51903612e09662ca36d
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=6bfac69a5b6e4672ae24e51903612e09662ca36d

Author: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Committer: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Date:   Thu Oct  1 15:51:47 2009 +0200

makefile: per module extra utils and cfgs install

Support for easy adding per module extra scripts, utils (require
compile) or configs.
The following new module makefile variables are supported:

 MOD_INSTALL_UTILS - list of utils directories that should be
 compiled and installed along the module. The utils must know how
 to install themselves (make install).
 E.g.: MOD_INSTALL_UTILS=../../utils/sercmd

 MOD_INSTALL_SCRIPTS - list of scripts (complete path including
 the file name) that should be installed along the module.
 E.g.: MOD_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=../../scripts/foo/foo.sh

 MOD_INSTALL_CFGS - list of extra config files that should be
 installed in the main config directory.

They should be set before including Makefile.modules.


 Makefile.modules |  113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.modules b/Makefile.modules
index d536272..fab1bf9 100644
--- a/Makefile.modules
+++ b/Makefile.modules
@@ -14,8 +14,41 @@
 #  2009-03-10  replaced DEFS with C_DEFS and INCLUDES with C_INCLUDES (DEFS
 #              and INCLUDES are now used only for "temporary" defines/includes
 #              inside modules or libs) (andrei)
+#  2009-10-01  added support for automatically installing extra utils,
+#               scripts and cfg files (andrei)
+# Variables that should be defined in the modules, prior to including
+# this makefile:
+# NAME - module binary name, complete with .so and no path (MUST).
+# COREPATH - path to the main/core directory (OPTIONAL, default ../..)
+# DEFS - per module extra defines (OPTIONAL)
+# LIBS - per module extra libs (OPTIONAL)
+# SER_LIBS - ser/sr libs that should be compiled, linked against and installed
+#           along the module. The format is: <path>/<shortname>, e.g.
+#           SER_LIBS=../../lib/srdb2/srdb2 for libsrdb2 with the sources
+#            in ../../lib/srdb2. (OPTIONAL)
+# MOD_INSTALL_UTILS - list of utils directories that should be compiled and
+#                     installed along the module. The utils must know how to
+#                     install themselves (make install).
+#                     E.g.: MOD_INSTALL_UTILS=../../utils/sercmd
+#                     (OPTIONAL)
+# MOD_INSTALL_SCRIPTS - list of scripts (complete path including the file name)
+#                       that should be installed along the module.
+#                       E.g.: MOD_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=../../scripts/foo/foo.sh
+#                       (OPTIONAL)
+# MOD_INSTALL_CFGS - list of extra config files that should be installed in
+#                    the main config directory, along the module (OPTIONAL).
 # allow placing modules in separate directory apart from ser core
@@ -82,14 +115,88 @@ LIBS:=$(filter-out -ldl -lresolv, $(LIBS))
 .PHONY: install
 .PHONY: install-libs
-install: $(NAME) $(mods_dst) install-libs
+.PHONY: install-utils
+.PHONY: install-scripts
+.PHONY: install-cfgs
+install: $(NAME) $(mods_dst) install-libs install-utils install-scripts \
+		install-cfg
 	$(INSTALL_TOUCH) $(mods_dst)/$(NAME)
 	$(INSTALL_MODULES)  $(NAME)  $(mods_dst)
+ifneq (,$(SER_LIBS))
-	@for lib in $(dir $(SER_LIBS)); do \
+	@for lib in $(dir $(SER_LIBS)) ; do \
 		$(call try_err, $(MAKE) -C "$${lib}" install-if-newer ) ;\
-	done
+	done; true
+endif # $(SER_LIBS)
+ifneq (,$(MOD_INSTALL_UTILS))
+	@for ut in $(MOD_INSTALL_UTILS) ; do \
+		$(call try_err, $(MAKE) -C "$${ut}" install-if-newer ) ;\
+	done; true
+install-scripts: $(bin_prefix)/$(bin_dir)
+	@for r in $(MOD_INSTALL_SCRIPTS) ; do \
+		if [ -n "$$r" ]; then \
+			if [ -f "$$r" ]; then \
+				$(call try_err, $(INSTALL_TOUCH) \
+					$(bin_prefix)/$(bin_dir)/`basename "$$r"` ); \
+				$(call try_err,\
+					$(INSTALL_SCRIPT)  "$$r"  $(bin_prefix)/$(bin_dir) ); \
+			else \
+				echo "ERROR: $$r not found" ; \
+				if [ ${err_fail} = 1 ] ; then \
+					exit 1; \
+				fi ; \
+			fi ; \
+		fi ; \
+	done; true
+ifneq (,$(MOD_INSTALL_CFGS))
+install-cfg: $(cfg_prefix)/$(cfg_dir)
+	@for r in $(MOD_INSTALL_CFGS) ; do \
+		if [ -n "$$r" ]; then \
+			if [ -f "$$r" ]; then \
+				$(call try_err, $(INSTALL_TOUCH) \
+					$(cfg_prefix)/$(cfg_dir)/`basename "$$r"` ); \
+				$(call try_err,\
+					$(INSTALL_CFG)  "$$r"  $(cfg_prefix)/$(cfg_dir) ); \
+			else \
+				echo "ERROR: $$r not found" ; \
+				if [ ${err_fail} = 1 ] ; then \
+					exit 1; \
+				fi ; \
+			fi ; \
+		fi ; \
+	done; true
+endif # $(MOD_INSTALL_CFGS)
+	mkdir -p $@
+	mkdir -p $@
 # README build rules
 ifneq (,$(wildcard doc/Makefile))

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