No subject

Wed Jun 24 00:39:36 CEST 2009

the avps and the script vars. All the others are in fact hidden function
calls and should be syntactically different.

> Basically, there are classes of script variables, some accepting dynamic 
> names (like avps $avp(...), headers $hdr(...), private $var(...) and 
> shared variables $sht(...) a.s.o.).
> I do not see reason for a special character for certain classes, like 
> avp or select. It is much much clearer to have:
> $avp(name)
> $sel(name)

We should use $ only for variables (like any other script language out
there). This doesn't mean avps though. The avps should be accessed in
some other distinct way. avps are both slow and they consume memory, so
their use as script vars should be discouraged.

> rather than:
> $name for avps
> @name for selects
> &name, %name etc. for what so ever variable class

I would use '$' only for fast script vars (that should be declared at
the beginning of the script and would be typed), and some function like
construct for the other (e.g.  $var=sel("from.uri")).


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