[sr-dev] almost ok with testing

Stefan Sayer stefan.sayer at iptego.com
Sun Jul 19 18:27:57 CEST 2009

Hi Juha,

o Juha Heinanen [07/19/09 13:40]:
> Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
>  > That being said there is some work on an application server interface
>  > using the binrpc protocol (see ftp://ftp.iptel.org/pub/sug/sersum.pdf
>  > and http://tracker.iptel.org/browse/SER-347), which far exceeds t_uac_dlg
>  > needs. From what I know all the required tm changes are in-place, we
>  > only have to wait for Bogdan Pintea to commit the rest of it.
> sounds good if it allows to select which contact of an AoR to send the
> invite to.  that cannot be done using external sip clients like sems.
if you can get the contact to send the INVITE to into your web app, it 
is for sure possible to get it into an external app server like sems, 
where you set it as dlg.next_hop, and your outbound proxy selects the 
correct socket for it.


Stefan Sayer
VoIP Services

stefan.sayer at iptego.com

Wittenbergplatz 1
10789 Berlin

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 101010
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Alexander Hoffmann

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