[SR-Dev] git:master: makefile: K mode for documentation generation

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 21:57:47 CEST 2009

Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 371312a736015cd3ca654b72729d3385e56fcc69
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=371312a736015cd3ca654b72729d3385e56fcc69

Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>
Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 21 21:47:10 2009 +0200

makefile: K mode for documentation generation

- K has some extra parameters to XSLTPROC
- new option to be able to set the path for css file used inside generated html


 Makefile.doc |  338 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.doc b/Makefile.doc
index 4cc6791..c6e7cab 100644
--- a/Makefile.doc
+++ b/Makefile.doc
@@ -1,161 +1,177 @@

-# $Id$




-# The name of the index file (the one which will be built by default

-# without specifying a target


-DOCUMENTS ?= index



-# The root of the document tree, this is used to determine the directory

-# of auxiliary files. The variable should be overwritten by per-directory

-# Makefiles


-ROOT_DIR ?= ../../..



-# Output directory where files produced by XSL stylesheets should be stored,

-# by default we output to the same directory, documents that are chunked may

-# choose to override this to write all chunks in a subdirectory instead





-# Stylesheet used to generate dependencies from XML files


-DEP_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/dep.xsl



-# Default stylesheet used to generate XHTML


-XHTML_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/xhtml.xsl



-# Default stylesheet used to generate Drupal HTML without html headers


-DRUPAL_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/drupal.xsl



-# Default stylesheet used to generate HTML


-HTML_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/html.chunked.xsl



-# Stylesheet used to generate plain text documents,

-# this is usually the one used for xhtml


-TXT_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/txt.xsl



-# Stylesheet used to generate FO (Formatted Objects)

-# This is used by PDF generators


-FO_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/fo.xsl



-# Disable document validation by default






-LYNX     ?= lynx

-DIA      ?= dia

-XSLTPROC ?= xsltproc

-XMLLINT ?= /usr/bin/xmllint

-XEP     ?= /usr/bin/xep


-LYNX_FLAGS     ?= -nolist

-DIA_ARGS       ?=


-XMLLINT_FLAGS ?= --xinclude --postvalid --noout



-ifeq ($(VALIDATE), 0)

-	override XSLTPROC_FLAGS := $(XSLTPROC_FLAGS) --novalid



-alldep = Makefile $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile.doc $(DEP_XSL) $(EXTRA_DEPS)


-all: xhtml


-xml_files = $(addsuffix .xml, $(DOCUMENTS))

-dep_files = $(addsuffix .d, $(DOCUMENTS))

-xhtml_files = $(addsuffix .xhtml, $(DOCUMENTS))

-html_files = $(addsuffix .html, $(DOCUMENTS))

-txt_files = $(addsuffix .txt, $(DOCUMENTS))

-pdf_files = $(addsuffix .pdf, $(DOCUMENTS))


-xhtml: $(xhtml_files)

-html: $(html_files)

-txt: $(txt_files)

-pdf: $(pdf_files)

-drupal: override HTML_XSL := $(DRUPAL_XSL)

-drupal: $(html_files)



-%.xhtml: %.xml %.d $(alldep) $(XHTML_XSL)


-        --xinclude \

-        --stringparam base.dir "$(OUTPUT_DIR)/" \

-        --stringparam root.filename "$(basename $<)" \

-        --stringparam html.ext ".xhtml" \

-        $(XHTML_XSL) $<


-%.html: %.xml %.d $(alldep) $(HTML_XSL)


-        --xinclude \

-        --stringparam base.dir "$(OUTPUT_DIR)/" \

-        --stringparam root.filename "$(basename $<)" \

-        --stringparam html.ext ".html" \

-	--stringparam html.stylesheet ser.css \

-        $(HTML_XSL) $<


-%.fo: %.xml $(alldep) $(FO_XSL)


-        --xinclude \

-        -o $@ $(FO_XSL) $<


-%.pdf: %.fo %.d $(alldep)

-	$(XEP) $(XEP_FLAGS) -fo $< -pdf $@


-%.txt: %.xml %.d $(alldep)


-        --xinclude \

-        $(TXT_XSL) $< | $(LYNX) $(LYNX_FLAGS) -stdin -dump > $@


-%.png: %.dia $(alldep)

-	$(DIA) $(DIA_ARGS) -t png -e $@ $<


-%.d: %.xml $(alldep) 


-        --nonet \

-        --novalid \

-        --stringparam output "$@" \

-        $(DEP_XSL) $< 


-.PHONY: check

-check: $(xml_files)



-.PHONY: clean


-	@rm -f $(txt_files)

-	@rm -f $(xhtml_files)

-	@rm -f $(pdf_files)

-	@rm -f $(html_files)


-.PHONY: proper realclean distclean

-proper realclean distclean: clean

-	@rm -f $(dep_files) *~



-ifeq (,$(MAKECMDGOALS))

-include $(dep_files) 


-ifneq (,$(filter-out clean proper realclean distclean check, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))

-include $(dep_files)



+# $Id$
+# The name of the index file (the one which will be built by default
+# without specifying a target
+DOCUMENTS ?= index
+# The root of the document tree, this is used to determine the directory
+# of auxiliary files. The variable should be overwritten by per-directory
+# Makefiles
+ROOT_DIR ?= ../../..
+# Output directory where files produced by XSL stylesheets should be stored,
+# by default we output to the same directory, documents that are chunked may
+# choose to override this to write all chunks in a subdirectory instead
+# Stylesheet used to generate dependencies from XML files
+DEP_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/dep.xsl
+# Default stylesheet used to generate XHTML
+XHTML_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/xhtml.xsl
+# Default stylesheet used to generate Drupal HTML without html headers
+DRUPAL_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/drupal.xsl
+# Default stylesheet used to generate HTML
+HTML_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/html.chunked.xsl
+# Stylesheet used to generate plain text documents,
+# this is usually the one used for xhtml
+TXT_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/txt.xsl
+# Stylesheet used to generate FO (Formatted Objects)
+# This is used by PDF generators
+FO_XSL ?= $(ROOT_DIR)/doc/stylesheets/fo.xsl
+# Disable document validation by default
+# K docbook style
+ifeq ($(DOCBOOK_MODE), k)
+	HTML_CSS=/css/kam-module-docbook.css
+	XSLTPROC_FLAGS+= --stringparam section.autolabel 1 \
+				--stringparam section.label.includes.component.label 1 \
+				--stringparam generate.toc "book toc,title,figure,table,example"
+# Default CSS used in generated HTMLs
+HTML_CSS ?= ser.css
+LYNX     ?= lynx
+DIA      ?= dia
+XSLTPROC ?= xsltproc
+XMLLINT ?= /usr/bin/xmllint
+XEP     ?= /usr/bin/xep
+LYNX_FLAGS     ?= -nolist
+DIA_ARGS       ?=
+XMLLINT_FLAGS ?= --xinclude --postvalid --noout
+ifeq ($(VALIDATE), 0)
+	override XSLTPROC_FLAGS := $(XSLTPROC_FLAGS) --novalid
+alldep = Makefile $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile.doc $(DEP_XSL) $(EXTRA_DEPS)
+all: xhtml
+xml_files = $(addsuffix .xml, $(DOCUMENTS))
+dep_files = $(addsuffix .d, $(DOCUMENTS))
+xhtml_files = $(addsuffix .xhtml, $(DOCUMENTS))
+html_files = $(addsuffix .html, $(DOCUMENTS))
+txt_files = $(addsuffix .txt, $(DOCUMENTS))
+pdf_files = $(addsuffix .pdf, $(DOCUMENTS))
+xhtml: $(xhtml_files)
+html: $(html_files)
+txt: $(txt_files)
+pdf: $(pdf_files)
+drupal: override HTML_XSL := $(DRUPAL_XSL)
+drupal: $(html_files)
+%.xhtml: %.xml %.d $(alldep) $(XHTML_XSL)
+        --xinclude \
+        --stringparam base.dir "$(OUTPUT_DIR)/" \
+        --stringparam root.filename "$(basename $<)" \
+        --stringparam html.ext ".xhtml" \
+        --stringparam html.stylesheet $(HTML_CSS) \
+        $(XHTML_XSL) $<
+%.html: %.xml %.d $(alldep) $(HTML_XSL)
+        --xinclude \
+        --stringparam base.dir "$(OUTPUT_DIR)/" \
+        --stringparam root.filename "$(basename $<)" \
+        --stringparam html.ext ".html" \
+        --stringparam html.stylesheet $(HTML_CSS) \
+        $(HTML_XSL) $<
+%.fo: %.xml $(alldep) $(FO_XSL)
+        --xinclude \
+        -o $@ $(FO_XSL) $<
+%.pdf: %.fo %.d $(alldep)
+	$(XEP) $(XEP_FLAGS) -fo $< -pdf $@
+%.txt: %.xml %.d $(alldep)
+        --xinclude \
+        $(TXT_XSL) $< | $(LYNX) $(LYNX_FLAGS) -stdin -dump > $@
+%.png: %.dia $(alldep)
+	$(DIA) $(DIA_ARGS) -t png -e $@ $<
+%.d: %.xml $(alldep) 
+        --nonet \
+        --novalid \
+        --stringparam output "$@" \
+        $(DEP_XSL) $< 
+.PHONY: check
+check: $(xml_files)
+.PHONY: clean
+	@rm -f $(txt_files)
+	@rm -f $(xhtml_files)
+	@rm -f $(pdf_files)
+	@rm -f $(html_files)
+.PHONY: proper realclean distclean
+proper realclean distclean: clean
+	@rm -f $(dep_files) *~
+ifeq (,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
+include $(dep_files) 
+ifneq (,$(filter-out clean proper realclean distclean check, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
+include $(dep_files)

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