[SR-Dev] Module Documentaiton

Martin Hoffmann martin.hoffmann at telio.ch
Tue Apr 21 11:00:28 CEST 2009

Henning Westerholt wrote:
> i also provided man pages for all kamailio modules with a similar
> approach like you did, by writing a XSL. But we don't used the docbook
> to man infrastructure like you did, instead we wrote a own small
> converter script.

Didn't know that (Yes, I am rather lazy). I will have a look into it. If
you already have a lot of documentation in a certain format, we should
probably reuse it, if it fullfills all requirements (which are not
actually defined, of course).

> > The source format is dubious, though. I eventually ended up with docbook
> > since it is a standard of sorts and there are tools to make manpages out
> > of the sources (although they need some tweaking). However, editing is
> > as painful as it gets.
> I don't think that docbook is really that painful.

This may turn into an endless and rather pointless discussion, so I just
shut up. I did choose docbook for my stuff, too, after all.

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