[SR-Dev] git:andrei/script_vars: script engine: optimize op($v, ct) where ct=0 or 1
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
andrei at iptel.org
Thu Dec 18 17:00:55 CET 2008
Module: sip-router
Branch: andrei/script_vars
Commit: 5184c21a634b700a3800665269ca659c53e86fe9
URL: http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=5184c21a634b700a3800665269ca659c53e86fe9
Author: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Committer: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Date: Thu Dec 18 12:51:50 2008 +0100
script engine: optimize op($v, ct) where ct=0 or 1
- optimize: $v*0->0, 0*$v->0, $v*1->$v 1*$v->$v
$v/1->$v, 0/$v->0
$v&0->0, 0&$v->0
$v|0->$v, 0|$v->$v
$v&&0->0, 0&&$v->0, $v&&1->$v, 1&&$v->$v
$v||1->1, 1||$v->1, $v||0->$v, 0||$v->$v
$v+0->$v, 0+$v->$v if typeof(expression) is int (forced
by the context)
- fix runtime && and ||:
0 && expr -> don't evaluate expr, return 0
1 || expr -> don't evaluate expr, return 1
rvalue.c | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 files changed, 280 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rvalue.c b/rvalue.c
index 558ab70..ce9e3d3 100644
--- a/rvalue.c
+++ b/rvalue.c
@@ -1288,8 +1288,6 @@ int rval_expr_eval_int( struct run_act_ctx* h, struct sip_msg* msg,
case RVE_BOR_OP:
- case RVE_LAND_OP:
- case RVE_LOR_OP:
case RVE_GT_OP:
case RVE_GTE_OP:
case RVE_LT_OP:
@@ -1302,6 +1300,34 @@ int rval_expr_eval_int( struct run_act_ctx* h, struct sip_msg* msg,
ret=int_intop2(res, rve->op, i1, i2);
+ case RVE_LAND_OP:
+ if (unlikely(
+ (ret=rval_expr_eval_int(h, msg, &i1, rve->left.rve)) <0) )
+ break;
+ if (i1==0){
+ *res=0;
+ }else{
+ if (unlikely( (ret=rval_expr_eval_int(h, msg, &i2,
+ rve->right.rve)) <0) )
+ break;
+ *res=i1 && i2;
+ }
+ ret=0;
+ break;
+ case RVE_LOR_OP:
+ if (unlikely(
+ (ret=rval_expr_eval_int(h, msg, &i1, rve->left.rve)) <0) )
+ break;
+ if (i1){
+ *res=1;
+ }else{
+ if (unlikely( (ret=rval_expr_eval_int(h, msg, &i2,
+ rve->right.rve)) <0) )
+ break;
+ *res=i1 || i2;
+ }
+ ret=0;
+ break;
case RVE_EQ_OP:
/* if left is string, eval left & right as string and
@@ -1593,6 +1619,32 @@ error:
+/** evals a rval expr and always returns a new rval.
+ * like rval_expr_eval, but always returns a new rvalue (never a reference
+ * to an exisiting one).
+ * WARNING: result must be rval_destroy()'ed if non-null (it might be
+ * a reference to another rval). The result can be modified only
+ * if rv_chg_in_place() returns true.
+ * @result rvalue on success, 0 on error
+ */
+struct rvalue* rval_expr_eval_new(struct run_act_ctx* h, struct sip_msg* msg,
+ struct rval_expr* rve)
+ struct rvalue* ret;
+ struct rvalue* rv;
+ ret=rval_expr_eval(h, msg, rve);
+ if (ret && !rv_chg_in_place(ret)){
+ rv=ret;
+ /* create a new rv */
+ ret=rval_new(rv->type, &rv->v, 0);
+ rval_destroy(rv);
+ }
+ return ret;
/** create a RVE_RVAL_OP rval_expr, containing a single rval of the given type.
* @param rv_type - rval type
@@ -1941,6 +1993,221 @@ static int rve_replace_with_ct_rv(struct rval_expr* rve, struct rvalue* rv)
+/** optimize op($v, 0) or op($v, 1).
+ * Note: internal use only from rve_optimize
+ * It should be called after ct optimization, for non-contant
+ * expressions (the left or right side is not constant).
+ * @return 1 on success (rve was changed), 0 on failure and -1 on error
+ */
+static int rve_opt_01(struct rval_expr* rve, enum rval_type rve_type)
+ struct rvalue* rv;
+ struct rval_expr* ct_rve;
+ struct rval_expr* v_rve;
+ int i;
+ int ret;
+ enum rval_expr_op op;
+ int right; /* debugging msg */
+ rv=0;
+ ret=0;
+ right=0;
+ if (rve_is_constant(rve->right.rve)){
+ ct_rve=rve->right.rve;
+ v_rve=rve->left.rve;
+ right=1;
+ }else if (rve_is_constant(rve->left.rve)){
+ ct_rve=rve->left.rve;
+ v_rve=rve->right.rve;
+ right=0;
+ }else
+ return 0; /* op($v, $w) */
+ /* rval_expr_eval_new() instead of rval_expr_eval() to avoid
+ referencing a ct_rve->left.rval if ct_rve is a rval, which
+ would prevent rve_destroy(ct_rve) from working */
+ if ((rv=rval_expr_eval_new(0, 0, ct_rve))==0){
+ ERR("optimization failure, bad expression\n");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ op=rve->op;
+ if (rv->type==RV_INT){
+ i=rv->v.l;
+ switch(op){
+ case RVE_MUL_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ /* $v * 0 -> 0
+ * 0 * $v -> 0 */
+ if (rve_replace_with_ct_rv(rve, rv)<0)
+ goto error;
+ ret=1;
+ }else if (i==1){
+ /* $v * 1 -> $v
+ * 1 * $v -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_DIV_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ if (ct_rve==rve->left.rve){
+ /* 0 / $v -> 0 */
+ if (rve_replace_with_ct_rv(rve, rv)<0)
+ goto error;
+ ret=1;
+ }else{
+ /* $v / 0 */
+ ERR("RVE divide by 0 at %d,%d\n",
+ ct_rve->fpos.s_line, ct_rve->fpos.s_col);
+ }
+ }else if (i==1){
+ if (ct_rve==rve->right.rve){
+ /* $v / 1 -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_MINUS_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ if (ct_rve==rve->right.rve){
+ /* $v - 0 -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ /* ? 0 - $v -> -($v) ? */
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_BAND_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ /* $v & 0 -> 0
+ * 0 & $v -> 0 */
+ if (rve_replace_with_ct_rv(rve, rv)<0)
+ goto error;
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ /* no 0xffffff optimization for now (haven't decide on
+ the number of bits ) */
+ break;
+ case RVE_BOR_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ /* $v | 0 -> $v
+ * 0 | $v -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_LAND_OP:
+ if (i==0){
+ /* $v && 0 -> 0
+ * 0 && $v -> 0 */
+ if (rve_replace_with_ct_rv(rve, rv)<0)
+ goto error;
+ ret=1;
+ }else if (i==1){
+ /* $v && 1 -> $v
+ * 1 && $v -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_LOR_OP:
+ if (i==1){
+ /* $v || 1 -> 1
+ * 1 || $v -> 1 */
+ if (rve_replace_with_ct_rv(rve, rv)<0)
+ goto error;
+ ret=1;
+ }else if (i==0){
+ /* $v || 0 -> $v
+ * 0 && $v -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RVE_PLUS_OP:
+ /* we must make sure that this is an int PLUS
+ (because "foo"+0 is valid => "foo0") */
+ if ((i==0) && (rve_type==RV_INT)){
+ /* $v + 0 -> $v
+ * 0 + $v -> $v */
+ rve_destroy(ct_rve);
+ *rve=*v_rve; /* replace current expr. with $v */
+ pkg_free(v_rve);/* rve_destroy(v_rve) would free
+ everything*/
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* do nothing */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* debugging messages */
+ if (ret==1){
+ if (right){
+ if ((rve->op==RVE_RVAL_OP) && (rve->left.rval.type==RV_INT))
+ DBG("FIXUP RVE: (%d,%d-%d,%d) optimized"
+ " op%d($v, %d) -> %d\n",
+ rve->fpos.s_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ rve->fpos.e_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ op, i, (int)rve->left.rval.v.l);
+ else
+ DBG("FIXUP RVE: (%d,%d-%d,%d) optimized"
+ " op%d($v, %d) -> $v\n",
+ rve->fpos.s_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ rve->fpos.e_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ op, i);
+ }else{
+ if ((rve->op==RVE_RVAL_OP) && (rve->left.rval.type==RV_INT))
+ DBG("FIXUP RVE: (%d,%d-%d,%d) optimized"
+ " op%d(%d, $v) -> %d\n",
+ rve->fpos.s_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ rve->fpos.e_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ op, i, (int)rve->left.rval.v.l);
+ else
+ DBG("FIXUP RVE: (%d,%d-%d,%d) optimized"
+ " op%d(%d, $v) -> $v\n",
+ rve->fpos.s_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ rve->fpos.e_line, rve->fpos.s_col,
+ op, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* no optimization for strings for now
+ (We could optimize $v + "" or ""+$v, but this ""+$v is a way
+ to force convert $v to str , it might mess up type checking
+ (e.g. errors w/o optimization and no errors with) and it brings
+ a very small benefit anyway (it's unlikely we'll see a lot of
+ "")
+ */
+ if (rv) rval_destroy(rv);
+ return ret;
+ if (rv) rval_destroy(rv);
+ return -1;
/** tries to optimize a rval_expr. */
static int rve_optimize(struct rval_expr* rve)
@@ -1987,8 +2254,9 @@ static int rve_optimize(struct rval_expr* rve)
if (!rve_check_type(&type, rve, &bad_rve, &bad_type, &exp_type)){
- ERR("optimization failure, type mismatch in expression, "
+ ERR("optimization failure, type mismatch in expression (%d,%d), "
"type %s, but expected %s\n",
+ bad_rve->fpos.s_line, bad_rve->fpos.s_col,
rval_type_name(bad_type), rval_type_name(exp_type));
return 0;
@@ -2010,7 +2278,14 @@ static int rve_optimize(struct rval_expr* rve)
- /* TODO: $v * 0 => 0; $v * 1 => $v (for *, /, &, |, &&, ||, +, -) */
+ /* $v * 0 => 0; $v * 1 => $v (for *, /, &, |, &&, ||, +, -) */
+ if (rve_opt_01(rve, type)==1){
+ /* success, rve was changed => return now
+ (since this is recursively invoked the "new" rve
+ is already optimized) */
+ ret=1;
+ goto end;
+ }
/* op(op($v, a), b) => op($v, op(a,b)) */
if (rve_is_constant(rve->right.rve)){
@@ -2170,6 +2445,7 @@ static int rve_optimize(struct rval_expr* rve)
/* op(op($v,a), op($w,b)) => no optimizations for now (TODO) */
return ret;
if (rv) rval_destroy(rv);
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