[Kamailio-Devel] Radius attributes and dictionary

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Oct 28 18:39:38 CET 2008

Samuel Muller writes:

 > when the sipphone calls the urgency code "15", openser receives
 > sip:15 at realm 
 > "
 > so I use the avp_load_radius to get the AVP $urg (for example).
 > the radius checks its db :
 > . $fu -> insee code=$insee (insee codes relates the geo number of urgencies)
 > . $ruri -> urg code=$urg
 > so it translates the code in the good geo number (15 = 0123456789)
 > then openser just rewrite the ruri like sip:$urg at realm.

sounds good, but if you authenticate the call in kamailio, you don't
need this extra avp_load_radius call, because you can return the goe
number already during authentication.  on the other hand, there are not
that many emergency calls that the extra call would matter.

-- juha

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