[OpenSER-Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [4242] trunk
Juha Heinanen
jh at tutpro.com
Sun May 25 09:14:12 CEST 2008
347 module keeps its internal state about endpoints that need
348 keepalive, state that is build while messages are processed by
349 the proxy and thus it doesn't need to transfer any information
350 from the usrloc module, which should also improve its
351 efficiency.
450 1.4.5. keepalive_state_file (string)
452 Specifies a filename where information about the NAT endpoints
453 and the conditions for which they are being kept alive is saved
454 when OpenSER exits.
this may not be a good idea if entry proxy (loadbalancer) has a standby
proxy that becomes active if the other one dies, looses network
connectivity or whatever. in that kind of situation, keeping keepalive
info in clustered database may be a better idea.
-- juha
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