[OpenSER-Devel] Help with Makefile

Matheus Araújo Aguiar matheus.pit at gmail.com
Wed May 21 21:45:20 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm having some problems trying to get my module Makefile to work.

Along with the module, i want to compile two more libs, one written in C++
and another in C, but i just can't do it, because 'make' is only executing
the first line of the Makefile, and doing nothing with the others.
This is the Makefile:

             include ../../Makefile.defs


                   g++ -c ${LIBS_DIR}*.cpp -o libscpp.o

                  gcc -c ${LIBS_DIR}*.c -o libsc.o

              LIBS+= -lstdc++ libscpp.o libsc.o
              DEFS+= -I /usr/local/boost_1_35_0/

              include ../../Makefile.modules

Thanks in advance,

Matheus Araújo Aguiar
Computer Science Student
matheus.pit at gmail.com
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