[OpenSER-Devel] OpenSER 1.4 release schedule

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Wed Jun 25 16:56:10 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 25 June 2008, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
> As much as I hate to jump into heated discussions, I want to see
> OpenSER moving forward toward the 1.4 release.
> It seems that the main issue here is the new 'local_route' feature.
> Some of us are against keeping it as is for the next release and some
> others would really like to have it in the next release.
> Obviously, there's no solution that will satisfy 100% both parties.
> Here's a proposed scenario to move forward on this issue:
>  - we need to open a bug for each item that is broken in the current
> implementation of local_route;
>  - the community must decide what needs to be really fixed for the
> upcoming 1.4 release.
> Once we have the MUST fix list, we will focus on fixing them and
> validating the upcoming release.
> The things that are not working (not in the MUST fix list) needs to be
> documented into the release notes.  This will set the right
> expectations for the end user.
> I hope that this is a good compromise for everyone and I'm looking
> forward for opinions.
> Let's focus on this thread on how to get out of this awkward situation
> and move forward.

Hello Ovidiu,

thank you for the mail. Unfortunally i don't think that its that easy to fix, 
as we're in some sort of dead-lock situation here. I don't see any will to 
come to an compromise from the major players involved.

Just to stop further rumors, i want to inform you that Daniel started a vote 
on the board on this issue. The majority of the board is for enclosing this 
feature in #ifdefs. I still wait for an statement from Bogdan in this issue.



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