[OpenSER-Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [4329] trunk/modules/benchmark/benchmark.c

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Tue Jun 10 10:56:27 CEST 2008

On Monday 09 June 2008, Juha Heinanen wrote:
>  > How much a developer gets involved in the project is his own decision -
>  > but we should not bring everything to a stale just because we need to go
>  > to each developer to ask for an opinion.
>  > IMO this must work like a PUSH and not like PULL.
> i didn't propose asking "each" developer for an opinion.  just a message
> to devel list, where change to the core is proposed.  wait for a few
> hours and id no-one reacts with a better idea, go ahead, and do it.


perhaps this should be "one working day" instead of some hours, because of the different timezones the people are working in, and on the weekend also not that much happens most of the time. But i think this is just common sense, we probably don't need to specify this that exactly.

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